Ad Hoc Committee to revise topics for the International Conference on Lightning Protection, Chairman, 1996-1998
CIGRE (International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems) Working Group (33.01) "Lightning" Member, 1991-2007
CIGRE Working Group WG C4-407 "Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications", Convener, 2008-2013
CIGRE Working Group C4-410 “Lightning Striking Characteristics for Very High Structures”, Member, 2010-2013
CIGRE Working Group C4.26 “Evaluation of Lightning Shielding Analysis Methods for EHV and UHV DC and AC Overhead Transmission Lines”, Member, 2012-present
Steering Committee for the International Symposium on Lightning Protection (SIPDA), Member, 1998-present
Program Committee for the 2nd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning, Atlanta, Georgia (part of the 2006 AMS Annual Meeting), Member, 2005-2006
Technical Program Committee of the 2005 International Lightning Conference in Shanghai, China, Member, 2005
Technical Program Committee of the Fourth International China Symposium on EMC, Qingdao, China (EMC’2007/Qingdao), Member, 2007
Technical Committee on Lightning of the 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on EMC, Singapore, May 19-23, 2008, and 2010 Asia-Pacific EMC Symposium in Beijing, April 12-16, 2010, Chair
International Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications, GD 2008, Cardiff, UK, September 7-12, 2008, GD 2010, Greifswald, Germany, September, 5-10, 2010, GD 2012, Beijing, China, September 2-7, 2012, GD 2014, Orleans, France, Member
International Technical Committee of the EUREOEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008, Member
Scientific Committee of the International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE), Chongqing, China, November 9-12, 2008, New Orleans, USA, October 11-14, 2010, Shanghai, China, September 17-20, 2012, Member
Technical Committee of the Lightning Protection Symposium (in conjunction with 2nd IEEE ICAST), Accra, Ghana, December 14-16, 2009, Member
Technical Program Committee of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics, CEEM’2009, Xi'an, China, September 16-20, 2009, CEEM’2012, Shanghai, China, Nov.6-9, 2012, Member
Technical Program Committee of the 2010 APEMC in Beijing, China, Panelist, 2009-2010
Advisory Committee of the Centre of Excellence on Lightning Protection (CELP), Life Member, since 2009
Academic Committee for the China International Forum on Lightning Protection and Disaster Mitigation (CLPDM), September 8-10, 2009, Chongqing, China, Member, 2009
Technical Program Committee (HPEM) for the American Electromagnetics Conference (AMEREM 2010) to be held jointly with the 14th International Symposium on Antenna Technology & Applied Electromagnetics in Ottawa, Canada, July 5 – 9, 2010, Member
Atmospheric and Space Electricity Focus Group, Franklin Lecture Committee, 2010, 2012, Member
Technical Program Committee of the APEMC in Jeju Island, Korea, 2011; Singapore, 2012, Member
International Advisory Committee for the International Symposium on Winter Lightning, Tokyo, Japan, April 4-6, 2011, Member
Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (PES 2011 and 2013), Nis, Serbia, 2011-present, Member
Technical Program Committee of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 2-5, 2011, Chair
Best Student Paper Evaluation Committee of the 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 2-5, 2011, Chair
International Program Committee of the Thunderstorms and Elementary Particle Acceleration (TEPA-2012) Conference, Moscow, Russia, July 9-11, 2012, Member, 2011-2012
Scientific Committee of the III Russian Conference on Lightning Protection, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 22-23, 2012, Member, 2011-2012
Technical Program Committee of the Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning (APL), Seoul, Korea, 2013; Nagoya, Japan, 2015, Member
"Rocket-and-wire triggered lightning experiments", in "The Lightning Flash", ed. V. Cooray, IEE, London, 2014, V.A. Rakov
"Atmospheric Electricity", in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 2013, UNESCO-EOLSS Publishers, V.A. Rakov
"On the NOx production by laboratory electrical discharges and lightning", Ch. 22 in "Lightning Electromagnetics", ed. V. Cooray, IET, London, 2012, pp. 799-829, V. Cooray, M. Rahman, and V. Rakov
"Electromagnetic Models of Lightning Return Strokes", Ch. 8 in "Lightning Electromagnetics", ed. V. Cooray, IET, London, 2012, pp. 263-313, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
"Lightning", in World Book Encyclopedia, 2010, V.A. Rakov
"Lightning", in "Encyclopedia of Energy", John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 2011, V.A. Rakov
"Triggered Lightning", in "Lightning: Principles, Instruments and Applications”, eds. H.D. Betz, U. Schumann, and P. Laroche, Springer, 691 p. 2009, ISBN 978-1-4020-9078-3, pp. 23-56, V.A. Rakov
"Present Understanding of the Lightning Return Stroke", in "Lightning: Principles, Instruments and Applications", eds. H.D. Betz, U. Schumann, and P. Laroche, Springer, 691 p. 2009, ISBN 978-1-4020-9078-3, pp. 1-21, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
"Rocket-triggered lightning and new insights into lightning protection gained from triggered-lightning experiments", in "Lightning Protection", ed. V. Cooray, IEE, London, 1036 p., 2010, ISBN 978-0-86341-744-3, pp. 97-164, V.A. Rakov
"Testing of Russian image-converter cameras K004M and K008 in recording triggered (artificially initiated) and natural lightning in Florida", in "Photoelectronic Measurements", Universitetskaya Kniga, Moscow, Russia, 2005, pp. 479-510, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen
"Lightning Flashes Transporting Both Negative and Positive Charges to Ground", Recent Progresses in Lightning Physics, ed. C. Pontikis, Research Signpost, 2005, pp. 9-21, V.A. Rakov
"Initiation of Lightning in Thunderclouds", Recent Res. Devel. Geophysics, 6, 2004, pp. 1-35, Research Signpost, India, V.A. Rakov
"A Review of the Interaction of Lightning with Tall Objects", Recent Res. Devel. Geophysics, 5, 2003, pp. 57-71, Research Signpost, India, V.A. Rakov
"Review of 'Non-Conventional' Approaches to Triggering Lightning Discharges", Recent Res. Devel. Geophysics, 4, 2002, pp. 1-8, Research Signpost, India, V.A. Rakov
"Lightning Discharges Triggered Using Rocket-and-Wire Techniques", Recent Res. Devel. Geophysics, 2, 1999, pp. 141-171, Research Signpost, India, V.A. Rakov
"Experience in Estimating of the Lightning Flash Counter Characteristics" (in Russian), Characteristics of Thunderstorm Impact and Lightning Protection, published by the State Power Engineering Research Institute (ENIN), Moscow (1989), pp. 35-44, V.A. Rakov, V.A. Zapryagaev, and R.F. Esipenko
"On Estimating of Ground Flash Density Territorial Distribution Using Lightning Flash Counters" (in Russian), Characteristics of Thunderstorm Impact and Lightning Protection, published by the State Power Engineering Research Institute (ENIN), Moscow (1989), pp. 26-35, V.A. Rakov, Y.R. Shoivanov, D.V. Shelukhin, and S.A. Proshutinskaya
"Thunderstorms Causing Forest Fires" (in Russian), Forest Fires and Fighting Them, published by Leningrad Forestry Research Institute, Leningrad (1989), pp. 18-24, L.V. Stolyarchuk, V.A. Rakov, and A.Y. Belaya
“Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications”, Electra, No. 269, August 2013, pp. 58-65, V.A. Rakov, A. Borghetti, C. Bouquegneau, W.A. Chisholm, V. Cooray, K. Cummins, G. Diendorfer, F. Heidler, A. Hussein, M. Ishii, C.A. Nucci, A. Piantini, O. Pinto, Jr., X. Qie, F. Rachidi, M.M.F. Saba, T. Shindo, W. Schulz, R. Thottappillil, S. Visacro, W. Zischank
“Lightning Attachment Processes of an “Anomalous” Triggered Lightning Discharge”, J. Geophys. Res.,submitted, D. Wang, W.R. Gamerota, M.A. Uman, N. Takagi, J.D. Hill, J. Pilkey, T. Ngin, D.M. Jordan, S. Mallick, and V.A. Rakov
“Connection of a downward negative leader to an upward connecting leader below its tip”, Geophys. Res. Lett., submitted, W. Lu, L. Chen, Y. Ma, V.A. Rakov, Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, Q. Yin, and Y. Zhang
“What everyone needs to know about lightning”, Journal of Lightning Awareness, August 2013, pp. 7-9 and 11, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning physics and effects” (Editorial), Atmos. Res., Vols. 129-130, 2013, pp. 33-34, J. He , V. Rakov , D. Wang, and P.K. Wang
“Parameters of electric field waveforms produced by positive lightning return strokes”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, submitted, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Positive lightning peak currents reported by the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, submitted, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and K.L. Cummins
“FDTD Simulations of Corona Effect on Lightning-Induced Voltages”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, in press, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, N. Itamoto, and V.A. Rakov
“Numerical Simulations of Compact Intracloud Discharges as the Relativistic Runaway Electron Avalanche - Extensive Air Shower Process”, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, S. Arabshahi, J.R. Dwyer, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and H.K. Rassoul
“Characteristics of lightning flashes observed in tropical regions of America”, J. Geophys. Res., submitted,
H. Torres, E. Pérez, C. Younes, E. Williams, V. Rakov, F. De la Rosa, O. Pinto, C. Blanco, and C. Vasquez
“Positive Lightning Flashes Recorded on the Säntis Tower from May 2010 to January 2012”, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, C. Romero, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, M. Paolone, V.A. Rakov, and D. Pavanello
“Mixed mode of charge transfer to ground in upward lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., submitted, H. Zhou, V.A. Rakov, G. Diendorfer, R. Thottappillil, H. Pichler, and M. Mair
“Electromagnetic Methods of Lightning Detection”, Surveys in Geophysics (Springer),
Vol. 34,No.4, July 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10712-013-9251-1, V.A. Rakov
“A Comparison Between Analytical Solutions for Lightning-Induced Voltage Calculation”, Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, submitted, A. Andreotti, D. Assante, A. Pierno, V.A. Rakov, R. Rizzo
“An Analytical Approach to Calculation of Lightning Induced Voltages on Overhead Lines in Case of Lossy
Ground - Part I: Model Development”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 28, No. 2, April 2013, pp. 1213-1223, A. Andreotti, A. Pierno, and V.A. Rakov
“An Analytical Approach to Calculation of Lightning Induced Voltages on Overhead Lines in Case of Lossy
Ground - Part II: Comparison With Other Models”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 28, No. 2, April 2013, pp. 1224-1230, A. Andreotti, A. Pierno, and V.A. Rakov
“The Physics of Lightning”, Surveys in Geophysics (Springer), 2013, vol. 34, No. 3, May 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-013-9230-6, V.A. Rakov
“Observations of compact intracloud lightning discharges in northernmost region (51° N) of China”, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 118, 4458–4465, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50295, F. Lü, B. Zhu, H. Zhou, V.A. Rakov, W. Xu, and Z. Qin
“FDTD Simulation of Insulator Voltages at a Lightning-Struck Tower Considering Ground-Wire Corona”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 28, No. 3, July 2013, pp. 1635-1642, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, N. Itamoto, and V.A. Rakov
“Review of recent developments in lightning channel corona sheath research”, Atmos. Res., Vols. 129-130, 2013, pp. 117-122, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.05.028, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“On Remote Measurements of Lightning Return Stroke Peak Currents”, Atmos. Res., in press, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, A. Nag, C. Biagi, D. Hill, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, and J.A. Cramer
“Analytical Formulations for Lightning Induced Voltage Calculations”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 55, No. 1, February 2013, pp. 109-123, A. Andreotti, A. Pierno, V.A. Rakov, and L. Verolino
"National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Lightning Safety for Athletics and Recreation”, Journal of Athletic Training, 2013, 48(2), pp. 258–270, doi: 10.4085/1062-6050-48.2.25, K. Walsh, M.A. Cooper, R. Holle, V.A. Rakov, W.P. Roeder, and M. Ryan
“Advances in Lightning Protection Research (Editorial)”, J. of Lightning Research, 2012, 4 (Suppl. 2: M0), p. 49, V.A. Rakov and F. Heidler
“Compensation of the Instrumental Decay in Measured Lightning Electric Field Waveforms”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 3, June 2012, pp. 685-688, M. Rubinstein, J.-L. Bermúdez, V. Rakov, F. Rachidi, and A. Hussein
“A Study of X-ray Emissions from Thunderstorms with Emphasis on Subsequent Strokes in Natural Lightning”,
J. Geophys. Res., 117, D16107, doi:10.1029/2012JD017555, 2012, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, and J.R. Dwyer
“New Measurements of Lightning Electric Fields in Florida: Waveform Characteristics, Interaction with the Ionosphere, and Peak Current Estimates”, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D10101, doi:10.1029/2011JD017196, 2012, M.A. Haddad, V.A. Rakov, and S.A. Cummer
“FDTD Simulation of Lightning Surges on Overhead Wires in the Presence of Corona Discharge”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 6, December 2012, pp. 1234-1243, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba,N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, and V.A. Rakov
“3-D FDTD Computation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on an Overhead Two-Wire Distribution Line”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 5, October 2012, pp. 1161-1168, H. Sumitani, T. Takeshima, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, and V.A. Rakov
“Positive Lightning: An Overview, New Observations, and Inferences”, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D08109, doi:10.1029/2012JD017545, 2012, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Current Waveforms for Lightning Simulation”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 4, August 2012, pp. 880-888, W.R. Gamerota, J.O. Elismé, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov
“On the upper and lower limits of peak current of first return strokes in negative lightning flashes”, Atmos. Res., 117, 2012, 12-77, V. Cooray and V. Rakov
“Calculation of Voltages Induced on Overhead Conductors by Non-Vertical Lightning Channels”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 4, August 2012, pp. 860-870, A. Andreotti, C. Petrarca, V.A. Rakov, and L. Verolino
“Transient current pulses in rocket-extended wires used to trigger lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D07205, doi:10.1029/2011JD016161, 2012, C.J. Biagi, M.A. Uman, J.D. Hill, V.A. Rakov, and D.M. Jordan
“Characteristics of the initial rising portion of near and far lightning return stroke electric field waveforms”, Atmos. Res., 117, 2012, 71-77, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, J. Howard, C.J. Biagi, D. Hill, M.A. Uman, and D.M. Jordan
“High frequency earthing impedance measurements at Camp Blanding, Florida”, Electric Power Systems Research, 85, 50– 58, 2012, A. Rousseau, M. Guthrie, and V. Rakov
“A Simplified Model of Corona Discharge on Overhead Wire for FDTD Computations”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 3, June 2012, pp. 585-593, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba,N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, and V.A. Rakov
“On the Mechanism of Current Pulse Propagation along Conical Structures: Application to Tall Towers Struck by Lightning”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 54, No. 2, doi: 10.1109/TEMC.2011.2160068, 2012, pp. 332-342, A. Shoory, F. Vega, P. Yutthagowith, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, Y. Baba, V.A. Rakov, K. Sheshyekani, and A. Ametani
“The initial stage processes of rocket-and-wire triggered lightning as observed by VHF interferometry”, J. Geophys. Res., 117, D09119, doi:10.1029/2012JD017657, 2012, S. Yoshida, C.J. Biagi, V.A. Rakov, J.D. Hill, M.V. Stapleton, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, T. Morimoto,T. Ushio, Z.-I.Kawasaki, and M. Akita
“Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Surge Currents in Lightning Protection System of a Small Residential Structure”, Journal of Lightning Research, 2012, 4, (Suppl 1: M4), pp. 18-26, G. Maslowski, S. Wyderka, V.A. Rakov, B.A. DeCarlo, L. Li, J. Bajorek, and R. Ziemba
“Lightning Discharge and Fundamentals of Lightning Protection”, Journal of Lightning Research, 2012, 4, (Suppl 1: M2), pp. 3-11, V.A. Rakov
“Simulation of corona at lightning-triggering wire: Current, charge transfer, and the field-reduction effect”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D21115, doi:10.1029/2011JD016341, 2011, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Determination of the electric field intensity and space charge density versus height prior to triggered lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D15201, doi:10.1029/2011JD015710, 2011, C.J. Biagi, M.A. Uman, J. Gopalakrishnan, J.D. Hill, V.A. Rakov, T. Ngin, and D.M. Jordan
“Measured close lightning leader-step electric field-derivative waveforms”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D08201, doi:10.1029/2010JD015249, 2011, J. Howard, M.A. Uman, C. Biagi, D. Hill, V.A. Rakov, and D.M. Jordan
“Evaluation of NLDN Performance Characteristics Using Rocket-Triggered Lightning Data Acquired in 2004–2009”, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D02123, doi:10.1029/2010JD014929, 2011, A. Nag, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J.S. Howard, C.J. Biagi, J.D. Hill, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan, K.J.Rambo, J.E. Jerauld, B.A. DeCarlo, K.L. Cummins, and J.A. Cramer
“Some inferences from radial electric fields measured inside the lightning-channel corona sheath”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 390-394, 2011, G. Maslowski, V.A. Rakov, and M Miki
“Electromagnetic Coupling of Lightning to Power Lines: Transmission Line Approximation versus Full-Wave Solution”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 421-428, 2011, A. Andreotti, D. Assante, V.A. Rakov, and L. Verolino
“Remote Measurements of Currents in Cloud Lightning Discharges”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 407-413, 2011, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and J.A. Cramer
“Engineering lightning return stroke models incorporating current reflection from ground and finitely conducting ground effects”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 773-781, 2011, V. Cooray and V. Rakov
“Observations of stepping mechanisms in a rocket-and-wire triggered lightning flash”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D23215, doi:10.1029/2010JD014616, 2010, C.J. Biagi, M.A. Uman, J.D. Hill, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, and J. Dwyer
“Compact Intracloud Lightning Discharges: 2. Estimation of Electrical Parameters”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D20103, doi:10.1029/2010JD014237, 2010, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Compact Intracloud Lightning Discharges: 1. Mechanism of Electromagnetic Radiation and Modeling”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D20102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014235, 2010, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Parameters of Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, International Journal of Plasma Environmental Science and Technology (IJPEST), vol. 4, no. 1, March 2010, pp. 80-85, V.A. Rakov
“On the mechanism of X-ray production by dart leaders of lightning flashes”, J. Atmos. Solar Terrestr. Phys., 72 (2010) 848–855, V. Cooray, J. Dwyer, V. Rakov, and M. Rahman
“Three-dimensional imaging of upward positive leaders in triggered lightning using VHF broadband digital interferometers”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L05805, doi:10.1029/2009GL042065, 2010, S. Yoshida, C.J. Biagi, V.A. Rakov, J.D. Hill, M.V. Stapleton, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z.-I. Kawasaki
“Return Stroke Peak Current vs. Charge Transfer in Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D12107, doi:10.1029/2009JD013066, 2010, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov
“RF and X-ray Source Locations During the Lightning Attachment Process”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D06204, doi:10.1029/2009JD012055, 2010, J. Howard, M.A. Uman, C. Biagi, D. Hill, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, J. Dwyer, Z. Saleh, and H. Rassoul
“On phenomenology of compact intracloud lightning discharges”, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D14115, doi:10.1029/2009JD012957, 2010, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, and J.A. Cramer
“On Estimation of the Effective Height of Towers on Mountaintops in Lightning Incidence Studies”, Journal of Electrostatics, 68, pp. 415-418, 2010, H. Zhou, N. Theethayi, G. Diendorfer, R. Thottappillil, and V.A. Rakov
“Dynamics of Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Predicted by Return-Stroke Models with Specified Longitudinal Current Distribution”, Publ. Inst. Geophys. Pol. Acad. Sc., D-73 (412), 2009, 89-98, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Guest Editorial – Special Issue on Lightning”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 426-427, August 2009, V.A. Rakov and F. Rachidi
“Electromagnetic Pulses Produced by Bouncing-Wave-Type Lightning Discharges”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 466-470, August 2009, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“On the NOx production by laboratory electrical discharges and lightning”, J. Atmos. Solar Terrestr. Phys., 71 (2009), 1877-1889, V. Cooray, M. Rahman, and V. Rakov
“On the Electric Field at the Tip of Dart Leaders in Lightning Flashes”, J. Atmos. Solar Terrestr. Phys., 71 (2009), 1397-1404, V. Cooray, M. Becerra, and V. Rakov
“Overview of recent progress in lightning research and lightning protection”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 428-442, August 2009, V.A. Rakov and F. Rachidi
“Measured electric and magnetic fields from an unusual cloud-to-ground lightning flash containing two positive strokes followed by four negative strokes”, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D19115, doi:10.1029/2008JD011660, 2009, J.E. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
“New Insights Into Lightning Return-Stroke Models with Specified Longitudinal Current Distribution”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 471-478, August 2009, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Electric and Magnetic Fields Predicted by Different Electromagnetic Models of the Lightning Return
Stroke Versus Measured Fields”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 479-487, August 2009, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning Electromagnetic Field Coupling to Overhead Lines: Theory, Numerical Simulations and Experimental Validation”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Special Issue on Lightning, Vol. 51, No. 3, pp. 532-547, August 2009, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, M. Rubinstein, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
“Some Inferences on the Role of Lower Positive Charge Region in Facilitating Different Types of Lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L05815, doi:10.1029/2008GL036783, 2009, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning Currents Flowing in the Soil and Entering a Test Power Distribution Line via its Grounding”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, No. 3, July 2009, pp. 1095-1103, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, G.H. Schnetzer, M. Paolone, C.A. Nucci, E. Petrache, and F. Rachidi
“Electric Field Pulse Trains Occurring Prior to the First Stroke in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 51, No. 1, February 2009, pp. 147-150, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Characterization of Return Stroke Currents in Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D03106, doi:10.1029/2008JD009873, 2009, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, C.T. Mata, A.G. Mata, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
“Analysis of microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale electric field pulses produced by cloud and ground lightning discharges”, Atmos. Res., 91, 2009, 316-325, A. Nag, B. DeCarlo, and V.A. Rakov
“Testing of Lightning Protective System of a Residential Structure: Comparison of Data Obtained in Rocket-Triggered Lightning and Current Surge Generator Experiments”, High-Voltage Engineering Journal, Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 2575-2582, December 2008, G. Maslowski, V.A. Rakov, S. Wyderka, J. Bajorek, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, W. Krata
“A discussion of traveling waves involved in the lightning return stroke process”, J. Atmos. Electr., Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008, pp. 71-77, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, N. Takagi, and T. Watanabe
“A study of X-ray emission from laboratory sparks in air at atmospheric pressure”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D23207, doi:10.1029/2008JD010315, 2008, J.R. Dwyer, Z. Saleh, H.K. Rassoul, D. Concha, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov
“Characteristics of the optical pulses associated with a downward branched stepped leader”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D21206, doi:10.1029/2008JD010231, W. Lu, D. Wang, N. Takagi, V. Rakov, M. Uman, and M. Miki
“Initial-stage pulses in upward lightning: Leader/return stroke versus M-component mode of charge transfer to ground”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L13812, doi:10.1029/2008GL034148, 2008, 5 p., D. Flache, V.A. Rakov, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, and R. Thottappillil
“Electric and Magnetic Fields and Field Derivatives from Lightning Stepped Leaders and First Return Strokes Measured at Distances from 100 to 1000 m”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D17111, doi:10.1029/2008JD010171, 2008, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
“Influence of strike object grounding on close lightning electric fields”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D12109, doi:10.1029/2008JD009811, 2008, 18 p., Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“First versus subsequent return-stroke current and field peaks in negative cloud-to-ground lightning discharges”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D19112, doi:10.1029/2007JD009729, 2008, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, W. Schulz, M.M.F. Saba, R. Thottappillil, C. Biagi, A. Oliveira Filho, A. Kafri, N. Theethayi, and T. Gotschl
“X-rays from 80-cm long sparks in air”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L06805, doi:10.1029/2007GL032678, 2008, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, N.A. Ahmad, J. Nyberg, V.A. Rakov, and S.R. Sharma
“Responses of Airport Runway Lighting System to Direct Lightning Strikes: Comparisons of TLM Predictions with Experimental Data”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 50, No. 3, August 2008, pp. 660-668, N. Theethayi, V. Rakov, R. Thottappillil
“Distribution of currents in the lightning protective system of a residential building – Part I: Triggered-lightning experiments”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 4, October 2008, pp. 2439-2446, B.A. DeCarlo, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, V. Kodali, D.M. Jordan, G. Maxwell, S. Humeniuk, and M. Morgan
“Distribution of currents in the lightning protective system of a residential building – Part II: Numerical modeling”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 4, October 2008, pp. 2447-2455, L. Li and V.A. Rakov
“Analysis of Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Lines Using 2D-FDTD Method and Agrawal Coupling Model”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 50, No. 3, August 2008, pp. 651-659, H. Ren, B. Zhou, V.A. Rakov, L. Shi, C. Gao, and J. Yang
“Experimental study of lightning-induced currents in a buried loop conductor and a grounded vertical conductor”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 50, No. 1, February 2008, pp. 110-117, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, B.D. Hanley, K.J. Rambo, J. Howard, and B. DeCarlo.
“Pulse trains characteristic of preliminary breakdown in cloud-to-ground lightning that are not followed by return stroke pulses”, J. Geophys. Res., 113, D01102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008489, 2008, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Applications of Electromagnetic Models of the Lightning Return Stroke”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 2, April 2008, pp. 800-811, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“On the relationship between the signature of close electric field and the equivalent corona current in lightning return stroke models”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 50, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 921-927, V. Cooray, V. Rakov, F. Rachidi, R. Montano, and C.A. Nucci
“On representation of lightning return stroke as a lossy monopole antenna with inductive loading”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 50, No. 1, February 2008, pp. 118-127, S. Bonyadi-ram, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning strikes to tall objects: currents inferred from far electromagnetic fields versus directly measured currents”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L19810, doi:10.1029/2007GL030870, 2007, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Expressions for far electric fields produced at an arbitrary altitude by lightning return strokes”, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D16102, doi:10.1029/2007JD008559, 2007, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and N. Theethayi
“Electromagnetic fields at the top of a tall building associated with nearby lightning return strokes”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 49, No. 3, August 2007, pp. 632-643, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Insights into the ground attachment process of natural lightning gained from an unusual triggered-lightning stroke”, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D13113, doi:10.1029/2006JD007682, 2007, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer
“A current generation type return stroke model that predicts the return stroke velocity”, J. Lightning Research, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 32-39, V. Cooray, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Return Stroke Speed”, J. Lightning Research, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 80-89, V.A. Rakov.
“Review of three equivalent approaches for computing electromagnetic fields from an extending lightning discharge”, J. Lightning Research, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 90-110, R. Thottappillil, and V.A. Rakov.
“Influences of the Presence of a Tall Grounded Strike Object and an Upward Connecting Leader on Lightning Currents and Electromagnetic Fields”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 49, No. 4, November 2007, pp. 886-892, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Measurements of NOx produced by rocket-triggered lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L03816, doi:10.1029/2006GL027956, 2007, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, P. Liyanage, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, and R.C. Olsen III
“Are lightning M-components capable of initiating sprites and sprite halos?”, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D10109, doi:10.1029/2006JD007631, 2007, S.A. Yashunin, E.A. Mareev, and V.A. Rakov
“Equivalency of lightning return stroke models employing lumped and distributed current sources”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 49, No. 1, February 2007, pp. 123-132, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Electromagnetic models of the lightning return stroke”, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D04102, doi:10.1029/2006JD007222, 2007, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Direct Lightning Strikes to Test Power Distribution Lines – Part I: Experiment and Overall Results”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 2245-2253, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, A.G. Mata, C.T. Mata, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
“Direct Lightning Strikes to Test Power Distribution Lines – Part II: Measured and Modeled Current Division Among Multiple Arresters and Grounds”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 22, No. 4, October 2007, pp. 2236-2244, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, A.G. Mata, C.T. Mata, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
“The lightning striking distance – Revisited”, J. Electrostatics, 65, pp. 296-306 , 2007, V. Cooray, V. Rakov, and N. Theethayi
“Lightning-Induced Currents in Buried Coaxial Cables: A Frequency-Domain Approach and Its Validation Using Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, J. Electrostatics, 65, pp. 322-328, 2007, E. Petrache, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, V. Rakov, M. Uman, D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Jerauld, M. Nyffeler, and J. Schoene 126.
“Return Stroke Current Profiles and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Lightning Strikes to Tall Towers: Comparison of Engineering Models”, J. Electrostatics, 65, pp. 316-321, 2007, D. Pavanello, F. Rachidi, V.A. Rakov, C.A. Nucci, and J.L. Bermudez
“Estimation of input energy in rocket-triggered lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L05702, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005GL025141, V. Jayakumar, V.A. Rakov, M. Miki, M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, and K.J. Rambo.
“A Study of the Lightning-Channel Corona Sheath”, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D14110, doi:10.1029/2005JD006858, 2006, 16 p., G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Leader/return-stroke-like processes in the initial stage of rocket-triggered lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 111, D13202, doi:10.1029/2005JD006790, 2006, 11 p., R.C. Olsen, V.A. Rakov, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, and K.J. Rambo
“Voltages Induced on an Overhead Wire by Lightning Strikes to a Nearby Tall Grounded Object”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, Vol. 48, No. 1, February 2006, pp. 212-224, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Comments on ‘Analysis of lightning-radiated electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of lossy ground’, Authors’ Reply”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1026-1027, November 2005, A. Shoory, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, and V.A. Rakov
“An evaluation of the performance characteristics of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network in Florida using triggered lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D19106, doi:10.1029/2005JD005924, 2005, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, K.L. Cummins, and J.A. Cramer
“Comments on ‘Radio frequency radiation beam pattern of lightning return strikes: A revisit to theoretical analysis’ by Xuan-Min Shao, Abram R. Jacobson, and T. Joseph Fitzgerald”, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D24105, doi:10.1029/2004JD005729, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning electromagnetic environment in the presence of a tall grounded strike object”, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D09108, doi:10.1029/2004JD005505, 2005, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“X-ray bursts associated with leader steps in cloud-to-ground lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L01803, doi:10.1029/2004GL021782, 2005, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al-Dayeh, L. Caraway, A. Chrest, B. Wright, E. Kozak, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, D.M. Jordan, and K.J. Rambo.
"Close electric field signatures of dart leader/return stroke sequences in rocket-triggered lightning showing residual fields", J. Geophys. Res., 110, D07205, doi:10.1029/2004JD005417, 2005, V.A. Rakov, V. Kodali, D.E. Crawford, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer.
“Oxide reduction during triggered-lightning fulgurite formation”, J. Atmos. Solar-Ter. Phys., 67, 423-428, 2005, B.E. Jones, K.S. Jones, K.J. Rambo, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, and M.A. Uman
“On the use of lumped sources in lightning return stroke models”, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D03101, doi: 10.1029/2004JD005202, 2005, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Analysis of lightning-radiated electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of lossy ground”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 131-145, February 2005, A. Shoory, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning-induced disturbances in buried cables - part II: Experiment and model validation”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 509-520, Aug. 2005, M. Paolone, E. Petrache, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Jerauld, M. Nyffeler, and J. Schoene
“Lightning-induced disturbances on buried cables - part I: Theory”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 498-508, Aug. 2005, E. Petrache, F. Rachidi, M. Paolone, C.A. Nucci, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
“On the interpretation of ground reflections observed in small-scale experiments simulating lightning strikes to towers”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 533-542, Aug. 2005, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“On the mechanism of attenuation of current waves propagating along a vertical perfectly conducting wire above ground: application to lightning”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 521-532, Aug. 2005, Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Initial stage in lightning initiated from tall objects and in rocket-triggered lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 110, D02109, doi:10.1029/2003JD004474, 2005, M. Miki, V.A. Rakov, T. Shindo, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, M.A. Uman, R. Thottappillil, and D. Wang
“A review of ten years of triggered-lightning experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida”, Atmos. Res., vol. 76, issue 1-4, pp. 504-518, 2005, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and K.J. Rambo
“Triggered-lightning properties inferred from measured currents and very close electric fields”, Atmos. Res., vol. 76, issue 1-4, pp. 355-376, 2005, V. Kodali, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, and J. Jerauld
“A comparison of channel-base currents and optical signals for rocket-triggered lightning strokes”, Atmos. Res., vol. 76, issue 1-4, pp. 412-422, 2005, D. Wang, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and M.V. Stapleton
“Observed one-dimensional return stroke propagation speeds in the bottom 170 m of a rocket-triggered lightning channel”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L16107, doi: 10.1029/2004GL020187, 2004, R.C. Olsen, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and N. Grimes
“A triggered lightning flash containing both negative and positive strokes”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L08104, doi:10.1029/2004GL019457, 2004, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, and D.M. Jordan
“A ground level gamma-ray burst observed in association with rocket-triggered lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L05119, doi:10.1029/2003GL018771, 2004, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al Dayeh, L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, and C. Smyth
“Measurements of x-ray emission from rocket-triggered lightning”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L05118, doi:10.1029/2003GL018770, 2004, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al Dayeh, L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, and C. Smyth
“A Model to Represent Negative and Positive Lightning First Return Strokes with Connecting Leaders”, J. Electrostatics, 60, 97-109, 2004, V. Cooray, R. Montano, and V. Rakov
“On the Estimation of Lightning Peak Currents from Measured Fields Using Lightning Location Systems”, J. Electrostatics, 60, 121-129, 2004, F. Rachidi, J.L. Bermudez, M. Rubinstein, and V.A. Rakov
"Triggered Lightning Testing of an Airport Runway Lighting System", IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 46, No. 1, 96-101, 2004, M. Bejleri, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, C.T. Mata, M.I. Fernandez
“On the Transmission Line Model for Lightning Return Stroke Representation”, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(24), 2294, doi: 10.1029/2003GL018407, 2003, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Die Anfangsphase von Aufwaertsblitzen”, ETZ Elektrotech. Autom., 124(3-4), 50-55, 2003, M. Miki, T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, and D. Wang
“M-Component Mode of Charge Transfer to Ground in Lightning Discharges”, ETZ Elektrotech. Autom., Heft 3-4, 53, 2003, V.A. Rakov
“Comments on “On the Concepts Used in Return Stroke Models Applied in Engineering Practice” (Cooray, 2003)”, IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 45, No. 3, p. 567, 2003, V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, and J. Schoene
“Test of the Transmission Line Model and the Traveling Current Source Model with Triggered Lightning Return Strokes at Very Close Range”, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D23), 4737, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003683, 2003, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer
“Cutoff and Reestablishment of Current in Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, J. Geophys. Res., 108(D23), 4747, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003694, 2003, V.A. Rakov, D.E. Crawford, V. Kodali, V.P. Idone, M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, and K.J. Rambo
"Application of the Antenna Theory Model to a Tall Tower Struck by Lightning", J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 108, No. D17, 4542, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003398, 2003, B. Kordi, R. Moini, W. Janischewskyj, A.M. Hussein, V. Shostak, and V.A. Rakov
"Return-Stroke Multiplicity of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes", J. Appl. Meteor., Vol. 42, No. 10, pp. 1455-1462, 2003, V.A. Rakov and G.R. Huffines
"Lightning Electric Field Intensity at High Altitudes: Inferences for Production of Elves", J. Geophys. Res., 108(D20), 4639, doi: 10.1029/2003JD003618, 2003, V.A. Rakov and W.G. Tuni
“Energetic Radiation Produced by Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, Science, 299, 694-697, 2003, J.R. Dwyer, M.A. Uman, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al-Dayeh, E.L. Caraway, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, D.M. Jordan, K.J. Rambo, V. Corbin, and B. Wright
"A Review of Positive and Bipolar Lightning Discharges", Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., June 2003, 767-775, V. A. Rakov
“Statistical Characteristics of the Electric and Magnetic Fields and Their Time Derivatives 15 m and 30 m from Triggered Lightning”, J. Geophys, Res, Vol. 108, No. D6, 4192, doi:10.1029/2002JD002698, 2003, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, V. Kodali, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer.
"Measurement of the Division of Lightning Return Stroke Current Among the Multiple Arresters and Grounds of a Power Distribution Line", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1203-1208, 2003, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, P.Diaz, R.Rey, and M.A.Uman. 84.
“A Review of the Interaction of Lightning with Airborne Vehicles”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 39, 61-81, 2003, M.A. Uman and V.A. Rakov
"Close Lightning Electromagnetic Environment for Aircraft Testing", SAE 2001 Transactions – Journal of Aerospace, pp. 312-319, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Schoene, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Surges Superimposed on Continuing Currents in Lightning Discharges", SAE 2001 Transactions – Journal of Aerospace, pp. 380-385, V.A. Rakov.
"A Critical Review of Non-Conventional Approaches to Lightning Protection", Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., December 2002, 1809-1820, M.A. Uman and V.A. Rakov.
"The Effect of Vertically-Extended Strike Object on the Distribution of Current Along the Lightning Channel", J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 107, No. D23, 4699, doi:10.1029/2002JD002119, 2002, F. Rachidi, V.A. Rakov, C.A. Nucci, and J.L. Bermudez.
"Correlated Time Derivatives of Current, Electric Field Intensity, and Magnetic Flux Density for Triggered Lightning at 15 m", J. Geophys. Res., 107(D13), art. no. 4160, doi:10.1029/2000JD000249, 2002, 11 p., M.A. Uman, J. Schoene, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Comment on "Return Stroke Transmission Line Model for Stroke Speed Near and Equal That of Light" by R. Thottappillil, J. Schoene, and M.A. Uman", Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10), art. no. 1369, doi:10.1029/2001GL014602, 2002, 3 p., B. Kordi, R. Moini, and V.A. Rakov.
"Electric Fields Near Triggered Lightning Channels Measured with Pockels Sensors", J. Geophys. Res., 107(D16), 10.1029/2001JD001087, 2002, 11 p., M. Miki, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, and M.A. Uman.
"Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building: Triggered-Lightning Experiments", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 17(2), 575-586, 2002, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I., Fernandez, C.T. Mata, K.T. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, and R.R. Sutil.
"M-Component Mode of Charge Transfer to Ground in Lightning Discharges", J. Geophys. Res., 106, 22,817-22,831, 2001, V.A. Rakov, D.E. Crawford, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, M.A. Uman, and R. Thottappillil.
"The Close Lightning Electromagnetic Environment: Dart-Leader Electric Field Change Versus Distance", J. Geophys. Res., 106, 14,909-14,917, 2001, D.E. Crawford, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, and R.J. Fisher.
"On Different Approaches to Calculating Lightning Electric Fields", J. Geophys. Res., 106, 14,191-14,205, 2001, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov 71.
"Transient Response of a Tall Object to Lightning", IEEE Trans. on EMC, 43, 654-661, 2001, V.A. Rakov
"Luminosity Waves in Branched Channels of Two Negative Lightning Flashes", Journal of Atmospheric Electricity, 20, 91-97, 2000, D. Wang, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"A New Lightning Return Stroke Model Based on Antenna Theory", J. Geophys. Res., 105, 29,693-29,702, 2000, R. Moini, B. Kordi, G.Z. Rafi, and V.A. Rakov.
"Small Shelters and Safety from Lightning", Golf Course Management, 68, 104-112, 2000, R. Kithil and V. Rakov.
"Time Derivative of the Electric Field 10, 14, and 30 m from Triggered Lightning Strokes", J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15,577-15,595, 2000, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, G.H. Schnetzer, K.J. Rambo, D.E. Crawford, and R.J. Fisher. 66.
"EMTP Modeling of a Triggered-Lightning Strike to the Phase Conductor of an Overhead Distribution Line", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 15(4), 1175-1181, 2000, C.T. Mata, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Lightning Makes Glass", 1999 Journal of the Glass Art Society, 45-50, 1999, V.A. Rakov.
"Observed Leader and Return-Stroke Propagation Characteristics in the Bottom 400 m of the Rocket Triggered Lightning Channel", J. Geophys. Res., 104, 14,369-14,376, 1999, D. Wang, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Performance of MOV Arresters During Very Close, Direct Lightning Strikes to a Power Distribution System", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, vol. 14, No. 2, April 1999, pp. 411-418, M.I. Fernandez, K.J. Rambo, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Characterization of the Initial Stage of Negative Rocket-Triggered Lightning", J. Geophys. Res., 104, 4213-4222, 1999, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I. Fernandez, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, and R.J. Fisher.
"Attachment Process in Rocket-Triggered Lightning Strokes", J. Geophys. Res., 104, 2141-2150, 1999, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, D. Crawford, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J. Fisher, and Z.-I. Kawasaki.
"New Insights into Lightning Processes Gained from Triggered-Lightning Experiments in Florida and Alabama", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 14,117-14,130 (1998), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, M.I. Fernandez, R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, P. Lalande, A. Bonamy, P. Laroche, and A. Bondiou-Clergerie.
"Leader Properties Determined with Triggered Lightning Techniques", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 14,109-14,115 (1998), P. Lalande, A. Bondiou-Clergerie, P. Laroche, A. Eybert-Berard, J.-P. Berlandis, B. Bador, A. Bonamy, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov
"Review and Evaluation of Lightning Return Stroke Models Including Some Aspects of Their Application", IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 40, No. 4, November 1998, part II, Special Issue on Lightning, pp. 403-426, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Lightning Characteristics Based on Data from the Austrian Lightning Locating System", IEEE Trans. on EMC, vol. 40, No. 4, November 1998, part II, Special Issue on Lightning, pp. 452-464, G. Diendorfer, W. Schulz, and V.A. Rakov.
"Some Inferences on the Propagation Mechanisms of Dart Leaders and Return Strokes", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 1879-1887, 1998, V.A. Rakov.
"Treatment of Retardation Effects in Calculating the Radiated Electromagnetic Fields from the Lightning Discharge", J. Geophys. Res., 103, 9003-9013, 1998, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov.
"Luminosity Characteristics of Dart Leaders and Return Strokes in Natural Lightning", J. Geophys. Res., 102, 22,025-22,032, 1997, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, W.H. Besley, and M.A. Uman.
"Triggered-Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida (1993-1995)", Trans. of IEE Japan, Special Issue on Artificial Rocket Triggered Lightning, Vol. 117-B, No. 4, 446-452, 1997, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, T.W. Vaught, M.I. Fernandez, D.J. Cordier, R.M. Chandler,R. Bernstein, and C. Golden.
"Distribution of Charge Along the Lightning Channel: Relation to Remote Electric and Magnetic Fields and to Return-Stroke Models", J. Geophys. Res., 102, 6987-7006, 1997, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Bursts of Pulses in Lightning Electromagnetic Radiation: Observations and Implications for Lightning Test Standards", IEEE Trans. on EMC, 38, No. 2, 156-164 (1996) V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G.R. Hoffman, M.W. Masters, and M. Brook.
"Properties of M-Components from Currents Measured at Triggered-Lightning Channel Base", J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25,711-25,720 (1995) R. Thottappillil, J.D. Goldberg, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, R.J. Fisher, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Mechanism of the Lightning M Component", J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25,701-25,710 (1995), V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman, and P.P. Barker.
"Luminosity Characteristics of Lightning M Components", J. Geophys. Res., 100, 25,695-25,700 (1995), D.M. Jordan, V.P. Idone, R.E. Orville, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Review of Recent Lightning Research at the University of Florida", Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Austria), 112, No.6, 262-265 (1995), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R. Thottappillil.
"Characterization of Vertical Electric Fields 500 m and 30 m from Triggered Lightning", J. Geophys. Res., 100, 8863-8872 (1995), M. Rubinstein, F. Rachidi, M.A. Uman, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and C.A. Nucci.
"Microsecond-Scale Electric Field Pulses in Cloud Lightning Discharges", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 14,353-14,360 (1994), Y. Villanueva, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and M. Brook.
"Review of Lightning Properties from Electric Field and TV Observations", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 10,745-10,750 (1994), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, R. Thottappillil.
"Origin of Lightning Electric Field Signatures Showing Two Return-Stroke Waveforms Separated in Time by a Millisecond or Less", J. Geophys. Res., 99, 8157-8165 (1994), V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Parameters of Triggered Lightning Flashes in Florida and Alabama", J. Geophys. Res., 98, 22,887-22,902 (1993), R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and J.D. Goldberg.
"Data Acquired with the LLP Lightning Locating Systems" (in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, 7, 105-114 (1993), V.A. Rakov.
"Electric Field Pulses in K and M Changes of Lightning Ground Flashes", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9935-9950 (1992), V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman.
"Lightning Subsequent Stroke Electric Field Peak Greater than the First Stroke Peak and Multiple Ground Terminations", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 7503-7509 (1992), R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, W.H. Beasley, M.J. Master, D.V. Shelukhin.
"On the Empirical Formula of Willett et al. Relating Lightning Return Stroke Peak Current and Peak Electric Field", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 11,527-11,533 (1992), V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman.
"Observed Dart Leader Speed in Natural and Triggered Lightning", J. Geophys. Res., 97, 9951- 9957 (1992), D.M. Jordan, V.P. Idone, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, W.H. Beasley, H. Jurenka.
"On the Possibility to Improve an Accuracy of the Field Amplitude Lightning-Ranging Technique" (in Russian), Proceedings of Russian Academy of Sciences (ser. Radiotekhnika i Elektronika), 37, No. 2,237-239 (1992), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.V. Shelukhin.
"Negative Lightning Flashes Containing Long Continuing Currents", (in Russian), Trudy NETI, published by Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute, Novosibirsk (1991), V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"20th International Conference on Lightning Protection" (Review; in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 5, 122-123 (1991), V.A. Rakov.
"Uman M.A. The Lightning Discharge. - Academic Press, San Diego, 1987" (Review; in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 11, 114-115 (1991), V.A. Rakov.
"Long Continuing Currents in Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes: Occurrence Statistics and Hypothetical Mechanism" (in Russian), Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Izvestiya AN SSSR, ser. Fizika Atmosfery i Okeana), 27, No. 4, 376-390 (1991), V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Statistical Characteristics of Negative Ground Flashes as Derived from Electric Field and TV Records" (in Russian), Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Izvestiya AN SSSR, ser. Energetika i Transport), 37, No. 3, 61-71 (1991), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, R. Thottappillil, T. Shindo.
"Results of a Comparison of Lightning Flash Counters' Characteristics in Tomsk Region" (in Russian), Trudy GGO, 527, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1990), pp. 103-105, T.V. Lobodin, V.A. Rakov, V.A. Zapryagaev.
"Modern Passive Lightning Locating Systems" (Review; in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 11, 118-123 (1990), V.A. Rakov.
"K and M Changes in Close Lightning Ground Flashes", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 18,631-18,640 (1990), R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Ratio of Leader to Retur-Stroke Electric Field Change for First and Subsequent Lightning Strokes", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 16,579-16,587 (1990), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan and C.A. Priore III.
"Waveforms of First and Subsequent Leaders in Negative Lightning Flashes", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 16,561-16,577 (1990), V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Long Continuing Current in Negative Lightning Ground Flashes", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 5455-5470 (1990), V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Some Properties of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes Versus Stroke Order", J. Geophys. Res., 95, 5447-5453 (1990), V.A.Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Study of Lightning Activity in Tomsk Region Using Lightning Flash Counters" (in Russian), Trudy ZapSibNIGMI, 91, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow (1990), pp. 60-64, V.A. Rakov and Y.R. Shoivanov.
"A Technique for Mapping of Ground Flash Density" (in Russian), Elektricheskie Stantsii, No. 3, 63-66 (1990), V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, Y.R. Shoivanov and D.V. Shelukhin.
"On Estimation of Lightning Peak Current Distribution Parameters from the Distribution of Atmospheric Peaks" (in Russian), Trudy VGI, 72, Gidrometeoizdat, Moscow (1989), pp. 31-35, A.O. Lutz, K.M. Mashukov and V.A. Rakov.
"Study of the Spatial Distribution of Ground Flash Density Using the "Ochag" Lightning Locating System" (in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 2, 48-53 (1989), V.A. Rakov, A.K. Adjiev, M.M. Akchurin and Y.R. Shoivanov.
"8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity (June 13-16, 1988, Sweden)" (Review; in Russian), Elektrichestvo, No. 11, 89-91 (1988), V.A. Rakov.
"Lightning Research in Western Siberia" (in Russian), Trudy GGO, 514, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1988), pp. 148-157, V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, R.F. Esipenko and Y.R. Shoivanov.
"On Estimating the Attractive Radius for Lightning Striking a Structure" (in Russian), Elektrichestvo, No. 9, 64-67 (1988), V.A. Rakov and A.O. Lutz. 16.
"The Counter of Power Line Outages Related to Lightning" (in Russian), Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No. 2, 228 (1988), R.F. Esipenko, V.I. Potapkin, A.A. Dulzon, V.A. Rakov and E.P. Djenikhov
"Study of Lightning Incidence in Kemerovo Region" (in Russian), Izvestiya VUZov SSSR, ser. Energetika, No. 11, 29-32 (1987), R.F. Esipenko, A.A. Dulzon and V.A. Rakov.
"Calculated Lightning Return Stroke Electric and Magnetic Fields" (in Russian), Tekhnicheskaya Elektrodinamika, No. 1, 87-89 (1987), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"Study of Some Features of Frontal and Convective Thunderstorms" (in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 9, 59-63 (1986), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"CM-6 Lightning Flash Counter" (in Russian), Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No. 3, 239 (1986), V.A. Rakov, Y.R. Shoivanov, E.P. Djenikhov and A.Y. Kravchenko.
"On the Determination of Ground Flash Density" (in Russian), Elektrichestvo, No. 3, 54-56 (1986), V.A. Rakov.
"On Dependence of Lightning Peak Current Distribution upon the Height Above Sea Level" (in Russian), Izvestiya VUZov SSSR, ser. Energetika, No. 4, 24-28 (1986), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"On Estimating the Lightning Peak Current Distribution Parameters Taking Account of the Measurement Threshold Level" (in Russian), Elektrichestvo, No. 2, 57-59 (1985), V.A. Rakov.
"On Choosing the Lightning Peak Current Distribution for the Lightning Protection Calculations" (in Russian), Trudy LPI, No. 406, published by Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Leningrad (1985), pp. 99-101, A.A. Dulzon and V.A. Rakov.
"On Latitudinal Features of Thunderstorm Activity" (in Russian), Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No. 1, 52-57 (1984), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"Measurements of the Statistical Distribution of Maxima-Maximora of Random Process Overshoots" (in Russian), Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 5, 17-19 (1983), V.I. Potapkin and V.A. Rakov
"Estimation of Lightning Peak Current Latitudinal Dependence" (in Russian), Izvestiya VUZov SSSR, ser. Energetika, No. 9, 98-100 (1982), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"Field Data on Lightning Peak Currents" (in Russian), Elektrichestvo, No. 9, 53-54 (1982), V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"On Registration of Atmospherics" (in Russian), Izvestiya VUZov SSSR, ser. Radioelektronika, 25, No. 9, 70 (1982), V.I. Potapkin and V.A. Rakov.
"A Device for Measurement of Pulse Peak Distribution" (in Russian), Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No. 4, 251 (1982), E.P. Djenikhov, V.I. Potapkin and V.A. Rakov.
"Estimation of Errors in Lightning Peak Current Measurements by Frame Aerials" (in Russian), Izvestiya VUZov SSSR, ser. Energetika, No. 11, 101-104 (1980), A.A. Dulzon and V.A. Rakov
Technical Articles (including published
abstracts of conference talks)
“Further insights into interaction of lightning electromagnetic pulse with the ionosphere”, Abstract AEXXX-XXX, to be presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 9-13, 2013, V.B. Somu, V.A. Rakov, and S.A. Cummer
“Evaluation of lightning field-to-current conversion equations using triggered-lightning data: An update”, Abstract AEXXX-XXX, to be presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 9-13, 2013, S. Mallick and V.A. Rakov.
“Microsecond-scale electric field pulses associated with lightning M-components”, Abstract AEXXX-XXX, to be presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 9-13, 2013, M. Tran, V. Rakov, T. Ngin, W. Gamerota, J. Pilkey, M. Uman, and D. Jordan
“CIGRE Technical Brochure on Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications”, SIPDA 2013, V.A. Rakov, A. Borghetti, C. Bouquegneau, W.A. Chisholm, V. Cooray, K. Cummins, G. Diendorfer, F. Heidler, A. Hussein, M. Ishii, C.A. Nucci, A. Piantini, O. Pinto, Jr., X. Qie, F. Rachidi, M.M.F. Saba, T. Shindo, W. Schulz, R. Thottappillil, S. Visacro, W. Zischank.
“Bursts of Fast Pulses in Positive Lightning Current Waveforms Recorded on the Säntis Tower”, SIPDA 2013, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, C. Romero, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, M. Paolone, V.A. Rakov, and D. Pavanello
“Calibration of the ENTLN Against Rocket-Triggered Lightning Data”, SIPDA 2013, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J.D. Hill, W.R. Gamerota, M.A. Uman, S. Heckman, C.D. Sloop, and C. Liu
“A transmission-line-type model for lightning return strokes with upward connecting leaders and branches”, SIPDA 2013, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Electromagnetic Methods of Lightning Detection”, in Proc. of APL 2013, Seoul, Korea, pp. 29-47, V.A. Rakov
“Calibration of the NLDN Against Rocket-Triggered Lightning Data”, in Proc. of APL 2013, Seoul, Korea, pp. 739-742, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J.D. Hill, T. Ngin, W.R. Gamerota, J.T. Pilkey, C.J. Biagi, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, J.A. Cramer
“Influence of Corona on Lightning-Induced Voltages: FDTD Calculations”, in Proc. of APL 2013, Seoul, Korea, pp. 185-188, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, N. Itamoto, and V.A. Rakov
“FDTD Computations of Lightning-Induced Voltages in the Presence of Corona” (Abstract), IPST 2013, Canada, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, N. Itamoto, and V.A. Rakov
“Ionospheric reflection heights for wideband electric fields produced by consecutive return strokes within the same lightning flash”, Abstract AE43A-0241, presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 3-7, 2012, V.B. Somu, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Haddad, and S.A. Cummer
“NLDN Performance Characteristics for Return Strokes and Pulses Superimposed on Steady Currents”, Abstract AE13B-0382, presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 3-7, 2012, S. Mallick, V. A. Rakov, J. D. Hill, T. Ngin, W. R. Gamerota, J.T. Pilkey, D. M. Jordan, M. A. Uman , and J. A. Cramer
“Electric Field Waveform Characteristics of Positive and Negative Lightning Return Strokes in Florida”, Abstract AE13A-0372, presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., December 3-7, 2012, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Corona space charge in recent studies of lightning physics and effects”, 5th Int. Conf. on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2012, Bonito, Brazil, November 25-30, 2012, V.A. Rakov
“FDTD Simulation of Insulator Voltages at a Tower Struck by Lightning: Influence of Ground-Wire Corona”, Int.
Workshop on High Voltage Engineering, Kanazawa, Japan, November 2012, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, N. Itamoto, V.A. Rakov
"A review of recent progress in studying physics of lightning" (Abstract), VII All-Russia Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 24-28, 2012, pp. 198-199, V.A. Rakov
“Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN Using Ground-Truth Data From Launch Complex 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Florida”, ICLP 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2-7, 2012, 10 p., C.T. Mata, A.G. Mata, V.A. Rakov, A. Nag, and J. Saul
“Some characteristics of positive and bipolar lightning flashes recorded on the Santis tower in 2010 and 2011”, ICLP 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2-7, 2012, C. Romero, M. Rubinstein, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, V.A. Rakov, and D. Pavanello
“Lightning Observatory in Gainesville (LOG), Florida: A review of recent results”, ICLP 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2-7, 2012, V.A. Rakov, S. Mallick, and A. Nag
“Analysis of NLDN-estimated peak currents for positive cloud-to-ground lightning”, ICLP 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2-7, 2012, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and K.L. Cummins
“Evolution of current waves propagating along a perfectly conducting cylinder: Application to lightning”, ICLP 2012, Vienna, Austria, September 2-7, 2012, A.R. Panicali and V.A. Rakov
“New Insights into X-ray Emissions from First and Subsequent Strokes in Natural Cloud-to-Ground Lightning” (Abstract), in Proc. of TEPA 2012, Moscow, Russia, July 9-11, 2012, p. 37, V. A. Rakov, S. Mallick, and J. R. Dwyer
“Introduction to the physics of lightning” (Abstract), 1st Thunderstorm Effects on the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System (TEA – IS) Summer School, June 17-22, 2012, Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain, 2 p., V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Parameters of Engineering Interest”, in Proc. of the 3rd Russian Conf. on Lightning Protection, St. Petersburg, Russia, May 22-23, 2012, 22 p., V.A. Rakov.
“Evaluation of the performance characteristics of CGLSS II and U.S. NLDN using ground-truth data from Launch Complex 39B, Kennedy Space Center, Florida”, ILDC 2012, Broomfield, Colorado, 8 pp., C.T. Mata, A.G. Mata, V.A. Rakov, A. Nag, and J. Saul
“The NLDN Performance Characteristics: An Update”, ILDC 2012, Broomfield, Colorado, 14 pp., S. Mallick, V. A. Rakov, J. D. Hill, T. Ngin, W. R. Gamerota, D. M. Jordan, M. A. Uman, R. C. Olsen III, and J. A. Cramer
“Computation of Distant Lightning Electric Fields: the Effect of Channel Geometry” (Abstract), EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, p. 130, A. Andreotti, C. Petrarca, L. Verolino, and V.A. Rakov
“New Inferences on Lightning Interaction with the Ionosphere” (Abstract), EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, p. 129, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Haddad, S.A. Cummer, and V.B. Somu
“Lightning Surges on Overhead Wires in the Presence of Corona: FDTD Simulation of Inoue’s Experiment” (Abstract), EUROEM 2012, Toulouse, France, p. 123, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, andV.A. Rakov
“Lightning Surges on an Overhead Wire in the Presence of Corona: FDTD Simulation of Wagner et al.’s Experiment”, APEMC 2012, Singapore, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, andV.A. Rakov
“X-rays Produced by First and Subsequent Strokes in Natural Lightning”, 2012 USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 4-7, 2012, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J.R. Dwyer, and J. A. Cramer
“Positive Lightning: New Observations and Inferences”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, December 5-9, 2011, Abstract AE33A-0284, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“X-ray emissions associated with thunderstorms”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 92, Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, December 5-9, 2011, Abstract AE33B-0309, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J.R. Dwyer, and J.D. Hill
“A Review of Recent Lightning Corona Sheath Dynamics Research” (Invited), 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 1-4, 2011, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Upward Lightning Discharges: An Update” (Invited), 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 1-4, 2011, V.A. Rakov
“On the Origin of Two Types of Current Pulses Observed During the Initial Stage of Upward Lightning” (Invited), 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 1-4, 2011, D. Flache, V.A. Rakov, F.H. Heidler, W.J. Zischank, and R. Thottappillil
“FDTD Computation of Lightning Surges on Overhead Wires in the Presence of Corona Discharge” (Invited), 7th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Lightning, Chengdu, China, November 1-4, 2011, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, V.A. Rakov
“Fundamentals of Lightning” (Invited), International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 12-14, 2011, Abstracts, pp. 27-28, V.A. Rakov
“Protection of Structures Against Lightning” (Invited), International Symposium on Lightning Protection, Kathmandu, Nepal, October 12-14, 2011, Abstracts, pp. 29-30, V.A. Rakov
“Current Waveforms Associated with Positive Flashes Recorded on the Säntis Tower in Summer 2010”, in Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XI SIPDA), Fortaleza, Brazil, October 3-7, 2011, 4 p., C. Romero, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, V.A. Rakov, A. Rubinstein, C.A. Nucci, P Zweiacker
“Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications - an Update on CIGRE WG C4.407 Activities”, in Proc. of the XI International Symposium on Lightning Protection (XI SIPDA), Fortaleza, Brazil, October 3-7, 2011, 4 p., V.A. Rakov.
“FDTD Simulation of Field-Reduction Effect at Ground Due to Corona at Lightning-Triggering Wire” (Invited), 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011, paper E02-2, 4 p., Y. Baba, and V.A. Rakov
“Influence of Return Stroke Speed and Leader Line Charge Density on Lightning Corona Sheath Dynamics” (Invited), 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011, paper E02-3, 4 p., G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning Electromagnetic Fields and Induced Voltages: Influence of Channel Tortuosity” (Invited), 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011, paper E02-4, 4 p., A. Andreotti, U. De Martinis, C. Petrarca, V.A. Rakov, and L. Verolino
“Evaluation of grounding impedance of a complex lightning protective system using earth ground clamp measurements and ATP modeling”, XIV Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 8-12, 2011, accepted, C.T. Mata, A.G. Mata, and V.A. Rakov
“Triggered-lightning interaction with a lightning protective system: Current distribution and electromagnetic environment*”, XIV Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 8-12, 2011, accepted, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, and A.G. Mata
“On Remote Measurements of Lightning Peak Currents*”, XIV Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 8-12, 2011, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, A. Nag, C. Biagi. D. Hill, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, and J.A. Cramer
"VHF radiation sources associated with precursors and ICC pulses of rocket-and-wire triggered lightning", XIV Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 8-12, 2011, S. Yoshida, C.J. Biagi, V.A. Rakov, J.D. Hill, M.V. Stapleton, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, Z.-I.Kawasaki, and M. Akita
“Interaction Between Grounding Systems and Nearby Lightning for the Calculation of Overvoltages in Overhead Distribution Lines”, in Proceedings of IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech 2011, 19-23 June 2011, Trondheim, Norway, F. Napolitano, M. Paolone, A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, V.A. Rakov, J. Schoene and M.A. Uman
“Positive Lightning: Review and Update” (Invited), in Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Winter Lightning, Sapporo, Japan, June 15-16, 2011, pp. 37-44, V.A. Rakov and A. Nag
“A Simplified Model of Corona Discharge on an Overhead Wire for FDTD Simulations”, 2011 APEMC in Jeju Island, Korea, May 16-19, 2011, 4 p., T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, and V.A. Rakov
“New Measurements of Distant Lightning Electric Fields in Florida” (Abstract), PIERS 2011, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 20-23, 2011, M.A. Haddad and V.A. Rakov
"A New Lightning Instrumentation System for Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida" (Abstract), Fifth Conference on the Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, held as part of the AMS 91st Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January, 23-27, 2011, C.T. Mata and V.A. Rakov.
“Measured Close Lightning Leader-Step Electric-Field-Derivative Waveforms”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 91, Fall Meet. Suppl., San Francisco, December 14, 2010, Abstract AE32A-02, J.S. Howard, M.A. Uman, C.J. Biagi, J.D. Hill, V.A. Rakov, D.M. Jordan
“Recent Topics in Lightning Research”, in Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2010, Salvador, Brazil, November 7-11, 2010, pp. 270-271, V.A. Rakov
“Compact Intracloud Lightning Discharges” (Abstract), Workshop on Spontaneous Energy Focusing Phenomena and Multiscale Physics, Singapore, August 30 – September 3, 2010, pp. 31-32, V.A. Rakov and A. Nag.
“Measurements of Radiation Field Signatures of Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, in Proc. of the 2010 International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application, October 11–14, 2010, New Orleans, USA, pp. 40-43 (also p. A-1-5 in the Book of Paper Summaries), S. Mallick, A. Nag, and V. A. Rakov.
“High frequency earthing impedance measurements at Camp Blanding, Florida” in Proc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-17, 2010, Cagliari, Italy, 1303-1 – 1303-9, A. Rousseau, M. Guthrie, and V. Rakov.
“A new comprehensive lightning instrumentation system for Pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida” in Proc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-17, 2010, Cagliari, Italy, 1030-1 – 1030-7, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, T. Bonilla, A.G. Mata, E. Navedo, and G.P. Snyder.
“Characteristics of the initial rising portion of near and far lightning return stroke electric field waveforms”, in Proc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-17, 2010, Cagliari, Italy, 1128-1 – 1128-7, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, J. Howard, C.J. Biagi, D. Hill, M.A. Uman, and D.M. Jordan.
“Characterization of positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharges”, in Poc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-17, 2010, Cagliari, Italy, 1126-1 – 1126-15, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, and J.A. Cramer.
“NLDN responses to rocket-triggered lightning at Camp Blanding, Florida, in 2004 – 2009”, in Poc. of 30th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Sept. 13-17, 2010, Cagliari, Italy, 1336-1 – 1336-8, A. Nag, S. Mallick, V.A. Rakov, J. Howard, C.J. Biagi, D. Hill, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, B.A. DeCarlo, , K.L. Cummins, and J.A. Cramer.
“FDTD Modeling of Polarization of a Conductor in a Quasi-Uniform Electric Field” (Abstract), AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Modeling of the lightning-channel corona sheath” (Abstract), AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov.
“Electrical Parameters of Compact Intracloud Lightning Discharges” (Abstract), AMEREM, Ottawa, Canada, July 5-9, 2010, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“Compact intracloud discharges: On estimation of peak currents from measured electromagnetic fields”, ILDC, Orlando, Florida, July 19-22, 2010, 7 p., A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and J.A. Cramer
“Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications”, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 12-16, 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 1130-1133, V.A. Rakov
“Fine Structure of Electric Field Waveforms Recorded Near and Far Away From the Lightning Channel”, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 12-16, 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 1241-1244, A. Nag, D. Tsalikis, V.A. Rakov, J. Howard, C.J. Biagi, D. Hill, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan
“Modeling of Corona Discharge on a Transmission Line Conductor Struck by Lightning for FDTD Calculations”, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 12-16, 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 1319-1322, T.H. Thang, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, and V.A. Rakov
“FDTD Calculation of Lightning-Induced Voltages on an Overhead Two-Wire Distribution Line”, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 12-16, 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 1327-1330, T. Takeshima, Y. Baba, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, J. Takami, S. Okabe, V.A. Rakov
“Electrical structure of the lightning-channel corona sheath“, 2010 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, April 12-16, 2010, Beijing, China, pp. 1224-1227, G. Maslowski, V.A. Rakov, and M. Miki
“Review of rocket-triggered lightning experiments in USA” (Abstract), in Proc. of the China International Forum on Lightning Protection and Disaster Mitigation (CLPDM), Chongqing, China, September 8-10, 2009, pp. 2-3, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Discharges Producing Very Strong Radiation in Both VLF-LF and HF-VHF Ranges”, in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM’2009), Xi’an, China, Sept. 16-20, 2009, 6 p., A. Nag and V.A. Rakov.
“Time-synchronized high-speed video images, electric fields, and currents in rocket-and-wire triggered lightning”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41A-03, C.J. Biagi, J.D. Hill, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov.
“On FDTD modeling of polarization of conductors in a uniform electric field”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-0304, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning interaction with launch facilities”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-0300, C.T. Mata and V.A. Rakov.
“Rocket-triggered lightning observed by VHF broadband digital interferometers”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-0298, S. Yoshida, C.J. Biagi, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan, J.D. Hill, T. Morimoto, T. Ushio, and Z. Kawasaki.
“Compact Intracloud Lightning Discharges: Conceptual Mechanism, Modeling, and Electrical Parameters”, Eos Trans. AGU, Vol. 90, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE32A-01, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov.
“Intense Electromagnetic Radiation from Cloud Lightning Discharges”, Proc. of X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (X SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009, pp. 507-512 (also pp. 199-200 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, and J.A. Cramer.
“Lightning Discharge and Fundamentals of Lightning Protection”, Proc. of X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (X SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009, pp. 3-16 (also pp. 43-44 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), V.A. Rakov.
“Monte Carlo Modeling of Lightning Incidence to Structures“ (Abstract), 4th Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2009, 2 p., C.T. Mata and V.A. Rakov.
“Parameters of Rocket-Triggered Lightning” (Abstract), 4th Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 2009, 2 p., V.A. Rakov.
“A New Approach to Estimation of Effective Height of Towers on Mountain Tops for Lightning Incidence Studies: Sensitivity Analysis”, Proc. of X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (X SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009, pp. 439-443 (also pp. 175-176 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), H. Zhou, N. Theethayi, G. Diendorfer, R. Thottappillil,and V. Rakov.
“Measurements and numerical modeling of currents in lightning protective system of a residential building”, Proc. of X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (X SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009, pp. 587-592 (also pp. 227-228 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), G. Maslowski, S. Wyderka, V.A. Rakov, B. DeCarlo, L. Li, J. Bajorek, and R. Ziemba.
“Different modes of charge transfer to ground in upward lightning observed at the Peissenberg tower”, Proc. of X International Symposium on Lightning Protection (X SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, November 9-13, 2009, pp. 445-450 (also pp. 177-178 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), D. Flache, V.A. Rakov, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, and R. Thottappillil.
“Parameters of compact intracloud discharges inferred from their electromagnetic signatures”, MOCA-09, Montreal, Canada, July 19-29, 2009, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, D. Tsalikis, and J.A. Cramer.
“The use of high-speed video records to distinguish between leader/return stroke and M-component modes of charge transfer in upward lightning“, MOCA-09, Montreal, Canada, July 19-29, 2009, D. Flache, V.A. Rakov, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, and R. Thottappillil.
“Effective Height of Towers on Mountain Tops in Lightning Incidence Studies: Sensitivity Analysis” (Abstract), 4th Int. Symp. on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, Austria, May 25-27, 2009, 1 p., H. Zhou, N. Theethayi, G. Diendorfer, R. Thottappillil,and V.A. Rakov.
“Leader/Return Stroke versus M-Component Mode of Charge Transfer to Ground in Initial-Stage Pulses of Upward Lightning” (Abstract), 4th Int. Symp. on Lightning Physics and Effects, Vienna, Austria, May 25-27, 2009, 1 p., D. Flache, V.A. Rakov, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil.
“Electric and Magnetic Fields Predicted by Lightning Return Stroke Electromagnetic Models“, in Proc. of 20th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, January 12-16, 2009, pp. 117-120 (p. 14 in the Book of Abstracts),
Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“An Improved Model for Prediction of the Dynamics of Lightning Channel Corona Sheath“, in Proc. of 20th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, January 12-16, 2009, pp. 121-124 (p. 15 in the Book of Abstracts),
G. Maslowski, V.A. Rakov, J. Cvetic, and M. Miki.
“The Lightning Phenomenon“ (Foreword), eds. R. Arora and C. Gomes, Daya Publishing House, Delhi, 2009, 2 p., V.A. Rakov.
“Review of CIGRE Report “Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters Derived from Lightning Location Systems The Effects of System Performance““, Abstract, CIGRE C4 Colloquium 2009, Kushiro, Japan, June 8-9, 2009, G. Diendorfer, M. Bernardi, C. Cummins, F. De la Rosa, B. Hermoso, A.M. Hussein, T. Kawamura, F. Rachidi, V. Rakov, W. Schulz, H. Torres
“Electromagnetic Field Pulses Radiated by Lightning Processes”, Abstract, National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, January 5-8, 2009, Paper E1-2, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, B.A. DeCarlo, and D. Tsalikis.
“New Experimental Data on Lightning Events Producing Intense VHF Radiation Bursts“, Eos Trans. AGU,
89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE11A-0292, A. Nag, V.A. Rakov, and D. Tsalikis.
“Numerical modeling of distribution of currents in the lightning protective system of a residential house“, World Automation Congress, Waikoloa, HI, USA, Sept. 28 - Oct. 2, 2008, pp. 1–5, L. Li and V.A. Rakov.
“Some features of positive and bipolar cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in Florida”, in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2008, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 16-20, 2008, pp. 14-18, A. Nag, V. A. Rakov, and D. Tsalikis.
“Lightning Electromagnetic Environment: From Continuing Current Fields to X-Rays”, Keynote Speech, in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2008, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 16-20, 2008, pp. 1-6, V. A. Rakov.
“Evaluation of Lightning Incidence to Elements of a Complex Structure: A Monte Carlo Approach”, in Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2008, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 16-20, 2008, pp. 351-354, C. T. Mata and V. A. Rakov.
“Development of the Long Sparks near the Junction Point and Ground”, Annual Report of the Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, October 26-29, 2008, ID:7A-23, 647-650, Yu.V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Parameters of Engineering Interest”, Lecture Notes, Lightning Protection Course, June 26-27, 2008, Uppsala, Sweden, 23 p., V.A. Rakov.
“Characterization of lightning electromagnetic fields and their modeling”, Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEENG 2008), May 27-29, 2008, Cairo, Egypt, p. 231, V.A. Rakov.
“Testing of Lightning Protective System of a Residential Structure: Comparison of Data Obtained in Rocket-Trigerred Lightning and Current Surge Generator Experiments”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on High Voltage Engineering and Application, Chongqing, China, November 9-12, 2008, G. Maslowski, V.A. Rakov, S. Wyderka, J. Bajorek,
B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, W. Krata.
“Kinematical characteristics of the long spark in stages of final jump and return stroke”, Proc. of XVII Int. Conf. on Gas Discharges and Their Applications, Cardiff, United Kingdom, September 7-12, 2008, pp. 529-532, Yu.V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Electromagnetic Fields in the Immediate Vicinity of a Tall Tower” (Invited Paper), Proc. of XXIX General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, August 7-16, 2008, Chicago, Illinois, p. 30, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Characteristics of Preliminary Breakdown Pulse Trains in Negative Cloud-to-Ground Discharges”, EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov.
“Positive and Bipolar Lightning in Florida”, EUROEM 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 21-25, 2008, A. Nag, D. Tsalikis, and V.A. Rakov.
“Evaluation of lightning return stroke electromagnetic models”, Proc. of 29th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, June 23-26, 2008, Paper 1a-1, 8 p. (p. 7 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“LLS-estimated versus directly measured currents based on data from tower-initiated and rocket-triggered lightning”, Proc. of 29th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, June 23-26, 2008, Paper 2-1, 9 p. (p. 43 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), G. Diendorfer, K. Cummins, V.A. Rakov, A.M. Hussein, F. Heidler, M. Mair, A. Nag, H. Pichler, W. Schulz, J. Jerauld, and W. Janischewskyj.
“Bonding versus isolating approaches in lightning protection practice”, Proc. of 29th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, June 23-26, 2008, Paper 10-5, 11 p. (p. 209 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), V.A. Rakov.
“NLDN responses to rocket-triggered lightning at Camp Blanding, Florida, in 2004, 2005, and 2007”, Proc. of 29th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Uppsala, Sweden, June 23-26, 2008, Paper 2-5, 8 p. (p. 47 in the Book of Extended Abstracts), A. Nag, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Howard, K.L. Cummins, and J.A. Cramer.
“Electromagnetic Models of Lightning” (Invited Paper), Proc. of 19th Int. Symp. on EMC, Singapore, May 19-22, 2008, pp. 243-246, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“An Experimental Study of Electric Field Pulses Produced by Cloud and Ground Lightning Discharges” (Invited Paper), Proc. of 19th Int. Symp. on EMC, Singapore, May 19-22, 2008, pp. 235-238, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov
“The velocity of the long spark development in stages of final jump and return stroke”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE), Paris, France, August 28-31, 2007, Yu.V. Shcherbakov, V.A. Rakov, and V.B. Lebedev.
“Does Wilson’s cloud chamber provide clues on lightning initiation in thunderclouds?”, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), 2007 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31A-0021, V. Cooray and V. Rakov.
“Measurements of Wideband Electric Fields and Their Derivatives in Conjunction with HF and VHF Radiation Produced by Lightning Discharges”, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), 2007 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE44A-09,
A. Nag, D. Tsalikis, and V.A. Rakov.
“X-ray production in laboratory sparks in air”, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), 2007 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE31A-0046, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning strikes to tall towers: Currents inferred from electromagnetic fields versus directly measured currents”, Proc. of IX International Symposium on Lightning Protection (IX SIPDA), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, November 26-30, 2007, pp. 511-516, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“A ’hybrid current source’ lightning return stroke model”, Proc. of IX International Symposium on Lightning Protection (IX SIPDA), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, November 26-30, 2007, pp. 13-20, V. Cooray and V. Rakov.
“Lightning Phenomenology and Parameters Important for Lightning Protection”, Proc. of IX International Symposium on Lightning Protection (IX SIPDA), Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, November 26-30, 2007, pp. 541-564, V.A. Rakov.
“Characterization of Electric Field Pulses Produced by Cloud and Ground Lightning Discharges”, Proc. 4th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, October 23-25, 2007, Qingdao, China, A. Nag, and V.A. Rakov.
“Initial experience with recording rocket-triggered and natural lightning in Florida using Russian-made image converter cameras with image intensification”, Proc. of 6th Russian Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, October 1-7, 2007, pp. 150-152, B.N. Gorin, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, R.C. Olsen, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
“Duality of lumped- and distributed-source lightning return-stroke models”, Proc. of XVII EMD’2007, Bialystok, Poland, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov.
“Characterization of close negative first return stroke electric fields and field derivatives”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE), Paris, France, August 28-31, 2007, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer.
“Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields”, Workshop and Tutorial Notes, 2007 IEEE Int. Symp. on EMC, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 8-13, 2007, pp. 349-358, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Currents for Engineering Applications”, Workshop and Tutorial Notes, 2007 IEEE Int. Symp. on EMC, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 8-13, 2007, pp. 337-348, G. Diendorfer, V.A. Rakov, A. Borghetti, C.A. Nucci, and M. Paolone.
“Test of Russian K004M image converter camera when recording natural lightning in Florida”, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6279, paper 62792D, 10 p., 2007, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen.
“Test of Russian K004M and K008 image converter cameras when recording triggered lightning in Florida”, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6279, paper 62790D, 11 p., 2007, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen.
“High-speed optical studies of the long sparks in very transient stages”, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 6279, paper 62795D, 9 p., 2007, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, V.A. Rakov, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.S. Syssoev, and M.A. Karpov.
“On the NOx production in lightning flashes”, European COST Action P18, Second Int. Symp. on Lightning and Effects, Vienna, Austria, April 19-20, 2007, V. Cooray, M. Rahman, and V. Rakov.
“Review of Equivalent Methods for Computing Electromagnetic Fields from Extending Lightning Discharge”, European COST Action P18, Second Int. Symp. on Lightning and Effects, Vienna, Austria, April 19-20, 2007, R. Thottappillil, and V.A. Rakov.
“On the Effective Height of Towers on Mountaintop from the Perspective of Lightning Attachment”, European COST Action P18, Second Int. Symp. on Lightning and Effects, Vienna, Austria, April 19-20, 2007, N. Theethayi, M. Becerra, R. Thottappillil, G. Diendorfer, V. Cooray, F. Heidler, and V. Rakov.
“Equivalent Approaches for Computing Electromagnetic Fields from an Extending Lightning Discharge” (Abstract), PIERS 2007, Beijing, China, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov.
“Ratio of First to Subsequent Return Stroke Electric Field Peaks for Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning”, in Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (IX SIPDA), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Nov. 26-30, 2007, pp. 133-138, A. Nag and V.A. Rakov.
“Responses of Airport Runway Lighting System to Direct Lightning Strikes: A Modelling Attempt”, in Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (IX SIPDA), Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, Nov. 26-30, 2007, pp. 204-207, N. Theethayi, V.A. Rakov, and R. Thottappillil.
“Electric fields at the top of tall building associated with nearby lightning return strokes”, in Proc. of the 18th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Munich, Germany, September 24-28, 2007, pp. 179-182, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“A new formulation for lightning return-stroke models of engineering type”, in Proc. of the 18th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Munich, Germany, September 24-28, 2007, pp. 175-178, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning-induced currents in a buried loop conductor and a grounded vertical conductor”, in Proc. of the 18th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Munich, Germany, September 24-28, 2007, pp. 171-174, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, J. Howard, B.D. Hanley, K.J. Rambo, and B. DeCarlo.
“On the NOx production in lightning flashes”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 476-479, V. Cooray, M. Rahman, and V. Rakov.
“A new lightning return stroke model based on the transmission line theory including corona effects”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, V. Cooray, and V. Rakov.
“Effects of lightning M-components in the middle atmosphere”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 781-784, S.A. Yashunin, E.A. Mareev, and V.A. Rakov.
“Analysis of microsecond- and submicrosecond-scale electric field pulses produced by cloud and ground lightning discharges”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 378-381, A. Nag, B. DeCarlo, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning discharges producing pulse trains indicative of preliminary breakdown in cloud-to-ground lightning but not followed by return strokes”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 447-450, A. Nag, and V.A. Rakov.
“The slow front and fast transition in close electric and magnetic field and field-derivative waveforms produced by first strokes of natural lightning”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 517-520, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer.
“Test of the image converter camera complex for research of discharges in long air gaps and lightning”, in Proc. of the 13th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Beijing, China, August 13-17, 2007, pp. 509-512, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, V.S. Syssoev, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen.
“Effects of tall building on lightning electromagnetic fields”, 5th Int. Workshop on High Voltage Engineering (IWHV), Shizuoka, Japan, February 1-2, 2007, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“A study of current waves propagating along vertical conductors and their associated electromagnetic fields”, in Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Power Systems Transients (IPST), Lyon, France, June 4-7, 2007, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Test of Russian K004M image converter camera when recording natural lightning in Florida”, Abstract, 27th Int. Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (ICHPP), Xi’an, China, September 17-22, 2006, paper 036, pp. 76-77, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen.
“Test of Russian K004M and K008 image converter cameras when recording triggered lightning in Florida”, Abstract, 27th Int. Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (ICHPP), Xi’an, China, September 17-22, 2006, paper 035, pp. 75-76, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R.C. Olsen.
“Pulse width analysis of x-ray bursts occurring in natural and triggered lightning”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), 2006 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE44A-05, Z. Saleh, J. Dwyer, L. Coleman, H. Rassoul, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Howard, and J. Jerauld.
“Dart-stepped leaders observed in rocket-triggered lightning at Camp Blanding, Florida, in 2003-2005”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), 2006 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE44A-02, R.C. Olsen III, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, and K.J. Rambo.
“Preliminary breakdown pulses characteristic of negative cloud-to-ground lightning that are not followed by a return stroke pulse”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), 2006 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE21A-0989, A. Nag, and V.A. Rakov
“A natural downward cloud-to-ground lightning flash having two positive strokes followed by three or more negative strokes”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), 2006 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE44A-04, J.E. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer.
“Direct measurements of NOx produced by lightning”, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), 2006 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE53A-0289, M. Rahman, V. Cooray, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, P. Liyanage, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, and R.C. Olsen III.
“High-speed optical studies of the long sparks in very transient stages”, Abstract, 27th Int. Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics (ICHPP), Xi’an, China, September 17-22, 2006, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, V.A. Rakov, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, V.S. Syssoev, and M.A. Karpov.
“Expressions for far fields at high altitudes from lightning return stroke”, in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2006, Maceio, Brazil, November 26-29, 2006, R. Thottappillil, and V.A. Rakov.
“High-speed optical studies of upward leader and return stroke of the long sparks”, in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2006, Maceio, Brazil, November 26-29, 2006, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, and V.A. Rakov.
“Electromagnetic radiation from long sparks”, in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (LPE) and GROUND’ 2006, Maceio, Brazil, November 26-29, 2006, V.N. Ponomarev, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning: Phenomenology and Parameters Important for EMC”, in Proc. of the Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics (CEEM’2006), Dalian, China, August 1-4, 2006, vol. 1, pp. 283-288, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Discharges and Insulation Coordination”, Short Course, 2006 Brazilian Symposium on Electric Networks (SBSE 2006), Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil, July 17-19, 2006, V.A. Rakov and J. Pissolato Filho.
“NLDN Responses to Lightning Initiated Using the Rocket-and-Wire Technique”, 2006 ILDC/ILMC, Tucson, Arizona, April 24-27, 2006, 1 p., V.A. Rakov and J.E. Jerauld.
“Far fields at an elevation from lightning return stroke” (Abstract), First Int. Symp. on Lightning Physics and Effects, COST P18, Vienna, April 3-4, 2006, p. 21, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning”, About Plasmas, eds. P. Rivenberg and G. Rogoff, Coalition for Plasma Science, 2006, 2 p., V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields”, 17th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Singapore, February 27-March 3, 2006, Workshop Notes, pp. 20-28, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Currents for Engineering Applications”, 17th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Singapore, February 27-March 3, 2006, Workshop Notes, pp. 1-19, A. Borghetti, G. Diendorfer, and V. Rakov.
“Lightning-Induced Currents in Buried Coaxial Cables”, AMEREM 2006, Albuquerque, July 9-14, 2006, M. Paolone, E. Petrache, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, V. Rakov, M. Uman D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Jerauld, M. Nyffeler, and J. Schoene.
“A current generation type return stroke model that predicts the return stroke velocity”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 351-356, V. Cooray, and V.A. Rakov.
“On the need to include ground reflections in lightning return stroke models of current generation type”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 181-186, V. Cooray, and V.A. Rakov.
“On the electric field at the tip of dart leaders in lightning flashes”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 339-344, V. Cooray, M. Becerra, and V.A. Rakov.
“Characterization of current pulses superimposed on the continuous current in upward lightning initiated from tall objects and in rocket-triggered lightning”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 83-88, M. Miki, T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, and D. Wang.
“Common features of return stroke optical traveling waves and their interpretations”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 257-260, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, N. Takagi, and T. Watanabe.
“Effect of traveling-waves of current on the electromagnetic response of a tall Franklin rod considering various lightning return stroke models”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 273-278, E.P. Krider, S. Guerrieri, F. Napolitano, C.A. Nucci, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, and V.A. Rakov.
“New insights into dynamics and properties of the lightning-channel corona sheath”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 175-180, G. Maslowski and V.A. Rakov.
“Triggered-Lightning Testing of the Protective System of a Residential Building: 2004 and 2005 Results”, in Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Kanazawa, Japan, September 18-22, 2006, pp. 628-633, B.A. DeCarlo, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, V. Kodali, D.M. Jordan, G. Maxwell, S. Humeniuk, and M. Morgan.
“Initiation of Lightning in Thunderclouds”, in Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics, A.M. Sergeev, ed., Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5975, 2006, pp. 362-373, V.A. Rakov
“Transmission Line Model of Lightning Return Strokes Generalized to Include a Tall Grounded Strike Object and an Upward Connecting Leader”, in Proc. of the 17th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Singapore, February 27-March 3, 2006, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“The U.S. National Lightning Detection Network: Post-upgrade status” in Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning, Atlanta, Georgia (part of the 2006 AMS Annual Meeting), January 29-February 2, 2006, K.L. Cummins, J.A. Cramer, C.J. Biagi, E.P. Krider, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning Protection: History and Modern Approaches” in Proc. of the 2nd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning, Atlanta, Georgia (part of the 2006 AMS Annual Meeting), January 29-February 2, 2006, Invited Paper, V.A. Rakov.
“Evaluation of the performance characteristics of lightning locating systems using rocket-triggered lightning”, in Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (VIII SIPDA), Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov. 21-25, 2005, 697-715, V.A. Rakov.
“X-ray observations of natural and rocket-triggered lightning by the Thunderstorm Energetic Radiation Array (TERA)”, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), 2005 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE12A-07, J. Howard, J.R. Dwyer, J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, Z. Saleh, H.K. Rassoul, V.A. Rakov, M. Al-Dayeh, E. Caraway, L. Coleman, D. Concha, and D.M. Jordan.
“Lightning Initiation Mechanisms: A Review and New Data on Submicrosecond “Lightning Initiation Pulses””, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), 2005 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE32A-06 INVITED, V.A. Rakov and B.A. DeCarlo.
“Influence of the Presence of a Tall Grounded Strike Object on Lightning Electromagnetic Fields”, The Science and Engineering Review of Doshisha University, vol. 46, No. 3, October 2005, pp. 151-156, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Review of Triggered-Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida” (Abstract), 13th ICEE 2005, Zanjan, May 10-12, 2005, p. 19, V.A. Rakov.
“Initiation of Lightning in Thunderclouds”, in Proc. of Int. Symp. "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2005), Plenary Talks and Workshops”, St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, August 2-9, 2005, pp. 16-17, V.A. Rakov
“X-ray emission from thunderstorms and lightning”, in Proc. of Int. Symp. "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2005), Nonlinear Phenomena in Environmental Research, St. Petersburg - Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, August 2-9, 2005, pp. 28-29, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, and J. Jerauld.
“On calculating lightning-induced overvoltages in the presence of a tall strike object”, in Proc. of Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (VIII SIPDA), Sao Paulo, Brazil, Nov. 21-25, 2005, pp. 11-16, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Recent developments in time-domain antenna theory modeling of lightning return strokes” (Abstract), XXVIIth General Assembly of URSI, New Delhi, India, October 23-29, 2005, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, S. Bonyadi, and V.A. Rakov.
“Calculation of lightning electromagnetic fields: A review” (Abstract), XXVIIth General Assembly of URSI, New Delhi, India, October 23-29, 2005, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov.
“Influence of the presence of a tall strike object on lightning electromagnetic fields” (Abstract), XXVIIth General Assembly of URSI, New Delhi, India, October 23-29, 2005, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov.
“Incorporation of distributed capacitive loads in the antenna theory model of lightning return stroke”, in Book of Abstracts of the 16th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2005, p. 6, S. Bonyadi-ram, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, and V.A. Rakov
“Incorporation of distributed capacitive loads in the antenna theory model of lightning return stroke”, in Proc. of the 16th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2005, pp. 213-218, S. Bonyadi-ram, R. Moini, S.H.H. Sadeghi, and V.A. Rakov.
“Features of Application of Image Converter Cameras for Research on Lightning and Discharges in Long Air Gaps”, In Proc. of the 26th Int. Congr. on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, Sept. 19-24, 2004, vol. 5580, pp. 887-897, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, B.N. Gorin, Y.V. Shcherbakov, V.S. Syssoev, V.A. Rakov.
“Performance Validation of the 2002-2003 Upgrade of the U.S. National Lightning Detection Network”, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), 2004 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE33A-0178, C.J.Biagi, J. Jerauld, J.A. Cramer, K.L. Cummins, E.P. Krider, K.E. Kehoe, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
“X-ray emission from natural and triggered lightning”, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), 2004 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41A-03 INVITED, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al-Dayeh, L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and J. Jerauld
“Runaway breakdown and thunderstorm and lightning electric fields”, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), 2004 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE23A-0846, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al-Dayeh, L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and J. Jerauld
“Leader/Return-Stroke-Like Processes in the Initial Stage of Rocket-Triggered Lightning”, Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), 2004 Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract AE41A-05, R.C. Olsen, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and K.J. Rambo
“Lightning Discharge, Moderator's Report”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 54-56, V.A. Rakov
“The relationship between the leader charge and the return stroke current – Berger’s data revisited”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 145-150, V. Cooray, V. Rakov, and N. Theethayi
“On the constraints imposed by the close electric field signature on the equivalent corona current in lightning return stroke models”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 116-121, V. Cooray, V. Rakov, C.A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, and R. Montano
“Testing of the LIOV-EMTP96 code for computing lightning-induced currents on real distribution lines: Triggered-lightning experiments”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 286-290, M. Paolone, J. Schoene, M. Uman, V. Rakov, D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Jerauld, C.A. Nucci, A. Borghetti, F. Rachidi, E. Petrache
“Experimental analysis of lightning-induced currents in buried cables”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 280-285, E. Petrache, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, V. Rakov, M. Uman, D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Jerauld, M. Nyffeler, B. Reusser, A. Cordier, and T. Verhaege
“Return Stroke Current Profiles and Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Lightning Strikes to Tall Towers: Comparison of Engineering Models”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 128-133, D. Pavanello, F. Rachidi, V. Rakov, C.A. Nucci, and J.L. Bermudez
“Analytical Representation of Lightning Current Waveforms Using Genetic Algorithms”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 157-162, J.L. Bermudez, C.A. Pena, F. Rachidi, F. Heidler, and V.A. Rakov
“Lightning Return-Stroke Speed: A Review of Experimental Data”, in Proc. of the 27th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Avignon, France, September 13-16, 2004, pp. 139-144, V.A. Rakov
“Lightning flashes transporting both negative and positive charges to ground”, in Proc. of the 6th International Workshop on Physics of Lightning, Sainte-Anne, Guadeloupe, France, May 3-9, 2004, 3 p., V.A. Rakov
“What We Need to Know About Lightning and How Rocket-Triggered Lightning Experiments Can Help” in Proc. of the 18th International Lightning Detection Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 7-9, 2004, V.A. Rakov
“An evaluation of the performance characteristics of the NLDN using triggered lightning”, in Proc. of the 18th International Lightning Detection Conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 7-9, 2004, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, K.L. Cummins, and J.A. Cramer
“Exact expressions in the time domain for electric and magnetic fields from an extending lightning discharge in terms of the charge density”, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pisa, Italy, March 28-31, 2004, pp. 137-140, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
“Measurement of lightning-induced currents in an experimental coaxial buried cable”, IEEE PES General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 2003, pp. 262-267, E. Petrache, M. Paolone, F. Rachidi, C.A. Nucci, V. Rakov, M. Uman, D. Jordan, K. Rambo, J. Schoene, A. Cordier, and T. Verhaege
“New x-ray observations of triggered lightning”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 84, No. 46, 2003, F210, M. Al Dayeh, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, E.L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, and C. Smyth
“New instruments for measuring x-rays from rocket-triggered lightning”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 84, No. 46, 2003, F193, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M. Al Dayeh, E.L. Caraway, B. Wright, A. Chrest, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, J. Jerauld, and C. Smyth
“Attenuation of Current Wave Propagating Along a Perfectly Conducting Wire: Application to Lightning”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 84, No. 46, 2003, F194, Y. Baba and V.A. Rakov
“Results of Rocket-Triggered Lightning Studies at Camp Blanding, Florida: An Update”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 84, No. 46, 2003, F209, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman
"Engineering Models of the Lightning Return Stroke", in Proc. of Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (VII SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, Nov. 17-21, 2003, pp. 511-530, V.A. Rakov
"Recent Triggered-Lightning Experiments at the ICLRT at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. of Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (VII SIPDA), Curitiba, Brazil, Nov. 17-21, 2003, pp. 144-150, V.A. Rakov, C.T. Mata, A.G. Mata, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo
“High-Speed Optical Studies of Long Spark (Istra, Russia) and Triggered Lightning (Camp Blanding, Florida): Novel Devices and Initial Results”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Blackpool, United Kingdom, Sept. 16-19, 2003, Paper I03-9 PMY, Yu.V. Shcherbakov, V.S. Syssoev, V.B. Lebedev, B.N. Gorin, and V.A. Rakov
“Dynamics of Streamer Zones of the Positive Leader in a Long Air Gap”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Blackpool, United Kingdom, Sept. 16-19, 2003, Paper I03-58 PMY, V.S. Syssoev, Yu.V. Shcherbakov, B.N. Gorin, V.B. Lebedev, and V.A. Rakov
"Multiple-Station Measurements of Electric and Magnetic Fields Due to Natural Lightning", in Proc. Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Blackpool, United Kingdom, Sept. 16-19, 2003, Paper I03-32 LDN, 14 p., J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.E. Crawford, B.A. DeCarlo, D.M. Jordan, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer
"Development and Testing of Image Converter Cameras with Enhanced Brightness for Studying Lightning and Long Sparks", in Proc. of 5th Russian Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Vladimir, Russia, 2003, vol. 1, pp. 263-269, B.N. Gorin, M.A. Karpov, V.B. Lebedev, G.G. Feldman, V.S. Syssoev, Yu. V. Shcherbakov, and V.A. Rakov
"A Review of Ten Years of Triggered-Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida”, in Proc. of Int. Symp. "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics (NWP-2003), Nonlinear Phenomena in Environmental Research, Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow, Russia, Sept. 6-12, 2003, pp. 295-296, V.A. Rakov
"Review of Triggered-Lightning Experiments at the ICLRT at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. of 5th IEEE Power Tech Conference, Bologna, Italy, 2003, Paper 381, 8 p., V.A. Rakov, C.T. Mata, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and A.G. Mata
"A Review of Ten Years of Triggered-Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity,Versailles, France, 523-526 (2003), V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo
"Lightning Properties Inferred from Measurements of Very Close Electric Fields", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 475-478 (2003), V. Kodali, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, D.E. Crawford
"Comparison of Electromagnetic Models of Lightning Return Strokes using Current and Voltage Sources", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 593-596 (2003), L. Grcev, F. Rachidi, V. Rakov
"Characterizaton of pulses superimposed on the initial continuous current of upward lightning", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 479-482 (2003), M. Miki, T. Shindo, A. Wada, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, D. Wang
"A comparison of channel-base currents and optical signals for rocket-triggered lightning strokes", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 557-560 (2003), D. Wang, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton
"Multiple-station close electric and magnetic field and field derivative measurements from natural lightning", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 609-612 (2003), J. Jerauld, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and G.H. Schnetzer
"Triggered Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields at 15 and 30 m with Implications for Return Stroke Modeling", in Proc. of 12th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Versailles, France, 531-534 (2003), J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer
"Review of Triggered-Lightning Experiments at the ICLRT at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. 2nd Int. Seminar on Lightning Physics and Protection in the South of Brazil, Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 9-10, 2003, V.A. Rakov
"Close Lightning Electromagnetic Environment: Triggered-Lightning Experiments", in Proc. of the 15th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2003, pp. 545-550, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.E. Crawford, J. Schoene, J. Jerauld, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, B.A. DeCarlo, and M. Miki
"Comparison of Lightning Return Stroke Electric Fields Predicted by the Transmission Line and Antenna Theory Models", in Proc. of the 15th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, 2003, pp. 551-556, B. Kordi, R. Moini, and V.A. Rakov
“High-Speed Optical Studies of Long Spark (Istra, Russia) and Triggered Lightning (Camp Blanding, Florida): Initial Results”, In Proc. of the 25th Int. Congr. on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, Beaune, France, Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 2002, vol. 4948, pp. 837-845, Y. V. Shcherbakov, V.B. Lebedev, V.A. Rakov, G.G. Feldman, D.I. Sukharevskij, B.N. Gorin, V.S. Syssoev, M.A. Karpov, and A.V. Senik.
“Lightning Electric Field Intensity at Lower-Ionospheric Altitudes: Inferences for the Production of Elves”, Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, Vol. 83, No. 47, Nov. 19, 2002, p. FL39, V. A. Rakov and W. G. Tuni
“Test of the Transmission Line Model and the Traveling Current Source Model with Triggered Lightning Return Strokes at Very Close Range”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 83, No. 47, Nov. 19, 2002, F101, J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer
“Observations of Energetic Radiation From Triggered Lightning”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, 2002, p. F172, J.R. Dwyer, M. Al-Dayeh, H.K. Rassoul, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Jarauld, D.M. Jordan, K.J. Rambo, L. Caraway, V. Corbin, B. Wright
“A New Instrument for Measuring Energetic Radiation From Triggered Lightning”, Eos Trans. Suppl. AGU, Vol. 83, No. 47, Nov. 19, 2002, F100, M. Al-Dayeh, J.R. Dwyer, H.K. Rassoul, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Jerauld, D.M. Jordan, K.J. Rambo, L. Caraway, V. Corbin, B. Wright
“Lightning Return Stroke Modeling: Recent Developments”, in Proc. of the 3rd Brazilian Workshop on Atmospheric Electricity / International Conference on Grounding and Earthing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 4-7, 2002, pp. 85-96, V.A. Rakov.
“Lightning and Tall Structures”, in Proc. of the International Lightning Detection Conference, Tucson, Arizona, October 16-18, 2002, 7 p. V.A. Rakov.
"Statistical Characteristics of Lightning Discharges", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Naples, Italy, September 22-26, 2002, pp. 677-682, V.A. Rakov.
"Characteristics of Distant Lightning Electric Fields", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS), Naples, Italy, September 22-26, 2002, pp. 703-707, A. Pavlick, D.E. Crawford, and V.A. Rakov.
"Measurement of the Division of Lightning Return Stroke Current Among the Multiple Arresters and Grounds of a Power Distribution Line" (Abstract), IEEE Power Engineering Review, September 2002, pp. 60-61, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, P. Diaz, R. Rey, and M.A. Uman.
"Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building: Triggered-Lightning Experiments" (Abstract), IEEE Power Engineering Society Meeting, July 21-25, 2002, Chicago, Illinois, Vol. 1, p. 367, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I., Fernandez, C.T. Mata, K.T. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, and R.R. Sutil.
"Characterization of the Initial Stage of Upward-Initiated Lightning", in Proc. of the 26th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002, pp. 14-19, M. Miki, T. Shindo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, G. Diendorfer, M. Mair, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, and D. Wang.
"EMTP Modeling of Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building", in Proc. of the 26th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002, pp. 631-636, R.R. Sutil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Division of Lightning Current and Charge Among Multiple Arresters and Grounds of a Power Distribution Line", in Proc. of the 26th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002, pp. 585-590, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Lightning Discharge, Moderator's Report", in Proc. of the 26th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Cracow, Poland, September 2-6, 2002, pp. 35-36, O. Farish and V. Rakov
"Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building: Triggered-Lightning Experiments" (Abstract), IEEE Power Engineering Review, February 2002, p. 63, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I., Fernandez, C.T. Mata, K.T. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, and R.R. Sutil
"Lightning Parameters Important for Lightning Protection", in Proc. of the VI Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection (VI SIPDA), Santos, Brazil, November 19-23, 2001, pp. 393-412, V.A. Rakov.
"Characterization of the Initial Stage of Object-Initiated and Rocket-Triggered Lightning", (Abstract), Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, vol. 82, No. 47, Nov. 20, 2001, p. F148, V.A. Rakov, M. Miki, T. Shindo, G. Diendorfer, M.Maier, F. Heidler, W. Zischank, R. Thottappillil, D. Wang, M. Uman, K. Rambo, and G. Schnetzer.
"An Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of the NLDN Using Triggered Lightning", (Abstract), Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, vol. 82, No. 47, Nov. 20, 2001, p. F142, J.A. Cramer, M.J. Murphy, D. Crawford, V.A. Rakov, and K.L. Cummins.
"Lightning Peak Current Distributions from Measurements on Tall Objects", in Proc. of the 2nd Int. Symp. on Winter Lightning in Hokuriku, paper PD-2, 2 p., Toyama, Japan, September 17-18, 2001, V.A. Rakov.
"Electric Fields Near Lightning Channels Measured Using Pockels Sensors", in Proc. of the 5th Int. Workshop on Physics of Lightning, Nagoya, Japan, September 10-13, 2001, pp. 47-48, M. Miki, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, M.A. Uman.
"Close Lightning Electromagnetic Environment for Aircraft Testing", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, paper 2880, 8 p., M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Schoene, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Surges Superimposed on Continuing Currents in Lightning Discharges", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, paper 2895, 6 p., V.A. Rakov.
"Small Shelters and Safety from Lightning", in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, paper 2896, 3 p., R. Kithil and V. Rakov.
"Close Lightning Electromagnetic Environment for Aircraft Testing", (Abstract), Aerospace Congress and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, p. 86, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Schoene, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Surges Superimposed on Continuing Currents in Lightning Discharges", (Abstract), Aerospace Congress and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, p. 101, V.A. Rakov.
"Small Shelters and Safety from Lightning", (Abstract), Aerospace Congress and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, September 10-14, 2001, p. 102, R. Kithil and V. Rakov.
"Transient Response of a Tall Object to Lightning", in Proc. of the 2001 Int. Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Lightning to Tall Structures, Toronto, Canada, August 2001, V.A. Rakov.
"On the Computation of Electric Fields from a Lightning Discharge in Time Domain", in Proc. of the 2001 IEEE EMC Int. Symp., Montreal, Canada, August 13-17, 2001, pp. 1030-1035, R. Thottappillil and V.A. Rakov.
"Characterization of Lightning Electromagnetic Fields and Their Modeling", in Proc. of the 14th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Supplement, Zurich, Switzerland, February 20-22, 2001, pp. 3-16, V.A. Rakov.
"Triggered-Lightning Experiments Conducted in 2000 at Camp Blanding, Florida", (Abstract), Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, vol. 81, No. 48, Nov. 28, 2000, p. F90, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, and M. Miki
"Measuring Electric Fields Near the Lightning Channel Using Pockels Sensors", (Abstract), Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, vol. 81, No. 48, Nov. 28, 2000, p. F49, M. Miki, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Lightning Protection of Structures and Personal Safety", 2000 Int. Lightning Detection Conf., Tucson, Arizona, November 7-8, 2000, 10 p., V.A. Rakov.
"Lightning Discharge, Moderator's Report", in Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Rhodes, Greece, September 18-22, 2000, pp. 41-43, V. Rakov.
"Lightning Properties from Triggered-Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida (1997-1999)", in Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Rhodes, Greece, September 18-22, 2000, pp. 54-59, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D. Wang, K.J. Rambo, D.E. Crawford, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Triggered Lightning Testing of an Airport Runway Lighting System", in Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Rhodes, Greece, September 18-22, 2000, pp. 825-830, M. Bejleri, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, C.T. Mata, and M.I. Fernandez.
"Positive and Bipolar Lightning Discharges: A Review", in Proc. of the 25th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Rhodes, Greece, September 18-22, 2000, pp. 103-108, V.A. Rakov.
"Active Rods in Lightning Protection" (in Polish), in Proc. of Conf. on Power Networks (SIECI'2000), Wroclaw, 2000, K.L. Chrzan, V. Rakov, and M. Labunski.
"Lightning Protection of Distribution Lines Using Metal Oxide Surge Arresters" (in Polish), in Proc. of Conf. on Outdoor High-Voltage Insulation (NIWE'2000), Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 2000, K.L. Chrzan, and V. Rakov.
"Some Results from Recent Experiments at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing at Camp Blanding, Florida", (Abstract), Eos Trans. Suppl., AGU, vol. 80, No. 46, Nov. 16, 1999, p. F203, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D. Wang, K.J. Rambo, D.E. Crawford, G.H. Schnetzer, and R.J. Fisher.
"Transient Currents and Voltages in a Power Distribution System due to Natural Lightning", in Proc. of the 1999 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 11-17, 1999, paper TD 319, Vol. 2, pp. 691-699, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Rocket-Triggered Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. of the 1999 Int. Conf. on Lightning and Static Electricity, Toulouse, France, June 22-24, 1999, pp. 469-481, V.A. Rakov.
"Rocket-Triggered Lightning Experiments at Camp Blanding, Florida", in Proc. of the V Int. Symp. on Lightning Protection, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 17-21, 1999, pp. 373-394, V.A. Rakov.
"Multiple-Station Measurements of Triggered-Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields", in Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Guntersville, Alabama, June 7-11, 1999, pp. 154-157, D.E. Crawford, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, K.J. Rambo, and M.V. Stapleton.
"Propagation Characteristics of Return Strokes and M-Components in Florida Rocket-Triggered Lightning", in Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Guntersville, Alabama, June 7-11, 1999, pp. 99-102, D. Wang, T. Ito, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
"Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields", in Proc. of the 13th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, February 16-18, 1999, pp. 561-566, V.A. Rakov
"Comparison of Positive and Negative Lightning", 1998 Int. Lightning Detection Conf., Tucson, Arizona, November 17-18, 1998, 19 p., V.A. Rakov.
"Lightning and Its Impact on Power Systems", CIGRE Int. Conf. on Insulation Coordination for Electricity Development in Central European Countries, Zagreb, Croatia, September 9-12, 1998, Paper P.34, 44 p., F. de la Rosa, C.A. Nucci, and V.A. Rakov.
"A Comparison of Channel-Base Currents and Optical Signals for Rocket-Triggered Lightning Strokes", in Proc. of the 53rd Japanese Atmospheric Electricity Conference, Gifu, Japan, July 16-17, 1998, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, G.H. Schnetzer, and R.J. Fisher.
"Some Optical Characteristics of Branches in Natural-Lightning First Strokes", in Proc. of the 53rd Japanese Atmospheric Electricity Conference, Gifu, Japan, July 16-17, 1998, D. Wang, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, D. Crawford, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"The Lightning Discharge", Moderator's Reports of the 24th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 1998, 2 p., V.A. Rakov.
"Transient Currents and Voltages in a Power Distribution System Due to Natural Lightning," in Proc. of the 24th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 1998, pp. 622-629, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Review of Triggered-Lightning Experiments Performed on a Power Distribution System at Camp Blanding, Florida, During 1996 and 1997," in Proc. of the 24th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 1998, pp. 29-35, M.I. Fernandez, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Attachment Process in Rocket-Triggered Lightning Strokes," in Proc. of the 24th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 1998, pp. 377-382, D. Wang, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, N. Takagi, T. Watanabe, D. Crawford, K.J. Rambo, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J. Fisher, and Z.-I Kawasaki
"The Magnetic Field Environment of Nearby Lightning," in Proc. of the 24th Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Birmingham, United Kingdom, September 14-18, 1998, pp. 346-349, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J. Fisher, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman
"Characteristics of the Current Pulses in the ICC Stage of Rocket Triggered Lightning" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 18, p. F77, 1997, D. Wang, M.I. Fernandez, K.J. Rambo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, and R.J. Fisher.
"1997 Multiple-Station Lightning Field Measurements at ICLRT, Camp Blanding, Florida" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 18, p. F81, 1997, D.E. Crawford, G.H. Schnetzer, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, and M.V. Stapleton.
"An Antenna Theory Model for the Lightning Return Stroke", in Proc. of the 12th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-20, 1997, pp. 149-152, R. Moini, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and B. Kordi.
"Comments on the Significance of Retardation Effects in Calculating the Radiated Electromagnetic Fields from an Extending Discharge", in Proc. of the 12th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-20, 1997, pp. 71-76, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov
"Lightning Electromagnetic Fields: Modeling and Measurements", in Proc. of the 12th Int. Zurich Symp. on EMC, Zurich, Switzerland, February 18-20, 1997, pp. 59-64, V.A. Rakov.
"Characterization of Currents and Electric and Magnetic Fields from Triggered Lightning Experiments of 1995 at Camp Blanding, Florida" (Abstract), 60th Annual Meeting of the Florida Academy of Sciences, Melbourne, Florida, March 29-30, 1996, vol. 59, pp. 27-28, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Initial Processes in Triggered Lightning" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 12, p. F86, 1996, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, M.I. Fernandez, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, P.P. Barker, G.H. Schnetzer, and R.J. Fisher.
"1996 Lightning Experiments at ICLRT, Camp Blanding, Florida" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 12, p. F86, 1996, M.I. Fernandez, K.J. Rambo, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J. Fisher, D.M. Jordan, M. Darveniza, R. Moini, C.D. Weidman, G. Diendorfer, and M. Mair.
"On Use of the So-Called F Factor in Calculating the Electromagnetic Fields Radiated by an Extending Lightning Discharge" (Abstract), 25th General Assembly of URSI, Lille, France, August 28 - September 5, 1996, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov.
"Lightning Occurrence and Mapping. Moderator's Report", in Proc. of the 23rd Int. Conf on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, September 23-27, 1996, pp. 141-142, A.E. Pedersen and V.A. Rakov.
"Observed Electromagnetic Environment Close to the Lightning Channel", in Proc. of the 23rd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, September 23-27, 1996, pp. 30-35, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M.I. Fernandez, R. Thottappillil, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, S. Guerrieri, and C.A. Nucci.
"Triggered-Lightning Facility for Studying Lightning Effects on Power Systems", in Proc. of the 23rd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, September 23-27, 1996, pp. 73-78, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, T.W. Vaught, M.I. Fernandez, R. Bernstein, and C. Golden.
"Time Domain Expressions for Remote Electric and Magnetic Fields in Terms of the Charge Distribution Along the Lightning Channel", in Proc. of the 23rd Int. Conf. on Lightning Protection, Florence, Italy, September 23-27, 1996, pp. 291-296, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"Modeling of Lightning Processes as Sources of Electromagnetic Fields" (Abstract), in Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Winter Lightning in Hokuriku, Kanazawa, Japan, June 17-18, 1996, pp. 15-16, V.A. Rakov.
"New Insights into Lightning Processes Gained from Triggered-Lightning Experiments in Florida and Alabama", in Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Osaka, Japan, June 10-14, 1996, pp. 672-675, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, R. Thottappillil, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, P. Lalande, A. Bonamy, P. Laroche, A. Bondiou-Clergerie, R.J. Fisher, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"1995 Triggered Lightning Experiment in Florida", in Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Osaka, Japan, June 10-14, 1996, pp. 644-647, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, T.W. Vaught, M.I. Fernandez, J.A. Bach, Y. Su, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, B. Bador, P. Lalande, A. Bonamy, F. Audran, F. Morillon, P. Laroche, A. Bondiou-Clergerie, S. Chauzy, S. Soula, C.D. Weidman, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, C.A. Nucci, S. Guerrieri, H.K. Hoidalen, and V. Cooray.
"Connection to Ground of an Artificially Triggered Negative Downward Stepped Leader", in Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, Osaka, Japan, June 10-14, 1996, pp. 668-671, P. Lalande, A. Bondiou-Clergerie, P. Laroche, A. Eybert-Berard, J.-P. Berlandis, B. Bador, A. Bonamy, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov.
"Electric and Magnetic Fields Close to Triggered Lightning from the 1995 Experiment at Camp Blanding, Florida" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 7, p. F129, 1995, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, P. Lalande, and P. Laroche.
"1995 Triggered Lightning Campaign at Camp Blanding, Florida" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 7, p.F128, 1995, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, T.W. Vaught, M.I. Fernandez, J.A. Bach, Y. Su, A. Eybert-Berard, J.P. Berlandis, B. Bador, P. Lalande, S. Chauzy, S. Soula, C.D. Weidman, F. Rachidi, M. Rubinstein, C.A. Nucci, S. Guerrieri, H.K. Hoidalen, and V. Cooray
"Electric Field Pulse Bursts in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Discharges", in Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, March 7-9, 1995, Zurich, Switzerland, Paper 79M2, published by ETH Zentrum-IKT, Zurich, Switzerland (1995), pp. 417-422, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, G.R. Hoffman, and M. Brook
"Mechanism of Lightning M Component" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 1, p.104, 1994, V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, M.A. Uman, and P.P. Barker.
"Fulgurites Produced by Triggered Lightning" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Nov. 1, p.99, 1994, M.A. Uman, D.J. Cordier, R.M. Chandler, V.A. Rakov, R. Bernstein, and P.P. Barker.
"On the Duration of Time Intervals Between Lightning Return Strokes", 22nd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), September 19-23, 1994, Budapest, Hungary, Paper 1a-04, published by Technical University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary (1994), 5p., V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Negative Subsequent Strokes: Natural Versus Triggered Lightning", 22nd International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), September 19-23, 1994, Budapest, Hungary, Paper 1c-02, published by Technical University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary (1994), 6p., R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and J.D. Goldberg.
"Electric Fields Close to Triggered Lightning", International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC'94 ROMA), September 13-16, 1994, Rome, Italy, Invited Paper B1, published by Faculty of Engineering - University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy (1994), Vol. I, pp. 33-37, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J.A. Versaggi, R. Thottappillil, A. Eybert-Berard, L. Barret, J.-P. Berlandis, B. Bador, P.P. Barker, S.P. Hnat, J.P. Oravsky, T.A. Short, C.A. Warren, and R. Bernstein
"Review of Lightning Properties Pertinent to GDS Operations from Simultaneous Electric Fields and TV Measurements", The Lightning Chronicle, March 1994, Published by Atmospheric Research Systems, Inc., GeoMet Data Services, Inc. and Lightning Location and Protection, Inc., 2p., M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, and R. Thottappillil
"Multiple-Station Measurements of Close Electric and Magnetic Fields Produced by Triggered Lightning Discharges" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Oct. 26, p.164, 1993, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, J.A. Versaggi, A. Eybert-Berard, L. Barret, P.P. Barker, and S.P. Hnat.
"Comparison of Return Stroke Parameters in Triggered and Natural Lightning" (Abstract), Eos Trans., AGU, Oct. 26, p.155, 1993, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, J.D. Goldberg, R.J. Fisher, and G.H. Schnetzer.
"Microsecond-Scale Electric Field Pulses in Cloud Lightning Flashes", in Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, March 9-11, 1993, Zurich, Switzerland, Paper 30F3, published by ETH Zentrum-IKT, Zurich, Switzerland (1993), pp. 149-154, Y. Villanueva, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and M. Brook.
"First vs. Subsequent Stroke Intensity and Multiple Channel Terminations in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning", in Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Lightning Protection, Berlin, Germany, September 22-25, 1992, pp. 13-18, V.A. Rakov, R. Thottappillil, and M.A. Uman.
"Some Properties of Triggered Negative Lightning Flashes in Florida and Alabama", in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 15-19, 1992, p. 873-877, R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, D.M. Jordan, and S. Sumi.
"Review of Lightning Properties Determined from Electric Field and TV Observations", in Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 15-19, 1992, p. 684-687, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and R. Thottappillil.
"Overestimation of Dart Leader Speeds Determined from Optical Measurements" (Abstract), Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 72, 89, Oct. 29, 1991, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and W.M. Beasley.
"Speed of Leaders Preceding Subsequent Return Strokes in Natural and Rocket-Triggered Cloud-to-Ground Lightning" (Abstract), Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 72, 89, Oct. 29, 1991, W.H. Beasley, D.M. Jordan, M.A. Uman, and V.A. Rakov.
"Return Stroke and M Component Current Pulses in Triggered Lightning" (Abstract), Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 72, 88, Oct. 29, 1991, R.J. Fisher, G.H. Schnetzer, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"A Study of Power Line Lightning Performance", in Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, August 26-30, 1991, Dresden, Germany, Paper 82.03, p. 57-60, A.A. Dulzon and V.A. Rakov.
"A Modified Transmission Line Model for Lightning Return Stroke Field Calculations", in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, March 12-14, 1991, Zurich, Switzerland, Paper 44H1, published by ETH Zentrum-IKT, Zurich, Switzerland (1991), p. 229-235, V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"Some Properties of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning", (in Russian), in Proceedings of the 4th USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Nalchik, October 7-11, 1990, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"Long Continuing Currents in Negative Lightning Discharges to Ground" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 4th USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Nalchik, October 7-11, 1990, published by High Mountain Geophysical Institute, Nalchik (1990), p. 244-245, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"On Regional Mapping of Ground Flash Density" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 4th USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Nalchik, October 7-11, 1990, published by High Mountain Geophysical Institute, Nalchik (1990), p. 153-154, V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, D.V. Shelukhin, R.F. Esipenko, Y.R. Shoivanov, and A.O. Lutz.
"Some Properties of Negative Cloud-to-Ground Lightning", in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 24-28, 1990, Interlaken, Switzerland, Paper 6.4, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman.
"A New Technique for Estimating Equivalent Attractive Radius for Downward Lightning Flashes", in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 24-28, 1990, Interlaken, Switzerland, Paper 2.2, V.A. Rakov and A.O. Lutz.
"Annual Ground Flash Density from Lightning Flash Counter Records", in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 24-28, 1990, Interlaken, Switzerland, Paper 6.8P, V.A. Rakov, Y.R. Shoivanov, D.V. Shelukhin, A.O. Lutz, and R.F. Esipenko
"Spatial Inhomogeneity in Thunderstorm Activity: Some Possible Explanations", in Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Lightning Protection, September 24-28, 1990, Interlaken, Switzerland, Paper 1.6P, A.A. Dulzon and V.A. Rakov
"Refuting the NMIMT Hypothesis: K and M Processes in Lightning Ground Flashes are Similar" (Abstract), Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 70, 1015, Oct. 24, 1989, R. Thottappillil, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman.
"A Comparison of Florida and New Mexico Lightning" (Abstract), Trans., Am. Geophys. Union, 70, 1015, Oct. 24, 1989, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman. 28.
"Estimation of the Rate of Overhead Power Line Outages Related to Lightning" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the Expanded Meeting of the 4th Section of the USSR Academy of Sciences Scientific Council, Apatity, September 28 - October 1, 1988, published by Kolsky Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Apatity (1989), pp. 41-43, A.A. Dulzon, V.A. Rakov, and V.M. Krasik.
"Lightning Research in Western Siberia", in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity 1988, June 13-16, 1988, Uppsala, Sweden, published by the Institute of High Voltage Research, Husbyborg, S-755 92 Uppsala, Sweden, ISBN 91-7970-256-6, pp. 766-769, V.A. Rakov and A.A. Dulzon.
"Analysis of the Overhead Power Line Outages Related to Lightning" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1988), pages 247-250, V.A. Rakov, V.M. Krasik, and D.V. Shelukhin.
"Study of Territorial Inhomogeneity in the Thunderstorm Activity Characteristics" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1988), pages 213-216, A.A. Dulzon, F.A. Gindullin, V.P. Gorbatenko, R.F. Esipenko, V.A. Rakov, and N.G. Vorontsova
"Study of Ground Flash Density in Tomsk Region Using Lightning Flash Counters" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1988), pages 210-213, V.A. Rakov, Y.R. Shoivanov, A.A. Dulzon, and S.A. Voronyansky
"Registration and Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields Generated by Lightning" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 2nd USSR Conference on Reception and Analysis of Natural VLF Field Fluctuations, Voronezh, September 16-17, 1987, published by Voronezh Polytechnic Institute, Voronezh (1987), p. 54, V.A. Rakov, V.A. Zapryagaev, Y.R. Shoivanov, and R.F. Esipenko
"On Estimation of Lightning Incidence to the Ground-Based Objects" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, published by Tartu State University, Tartu (1986), p. 250, V.A. Rakov and A.O. Lutz.
"An Analysis of the Overhead Power Line Outages Related to Lightning" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, published by Tartu State University, Tartu (1986), p. 249, V.A. Rakov, V.M.Krasik, and D.V. Shelukhin.
"Data from the Experimental Lightning Flash Counter Network in Tomsk Region" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, published by Tartu State University, Tartu (1986), p. 192, V.A. Rakov, Y.R. Shoivanov, and S.A. Voronyansky.
"Results of Studying the Territorial Inhomogeneity of Ground Flash Density in Kemerovo Region" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, published by Tartu State University, Tartu (1986), p. 215, R.F. Esipenko, A.A. Dulzon, and V.A. Rakov
"A Technique for Studying Spatial Distribution of Ground Flash Density Using Lightning Flash Counters" (Abstract; in Russian), in Abstracts of Papers Presented to the 3rd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Tartu, October 28-31, 1986, published by Tartu State University, Tartu (1986), p. 193, V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, and Y.R. Shoivanov
"Estimation of Lightning Peak Current Distribution Using Lightning EMP Records" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the 2nd USSR Symposium on Atmospheric Electricity, Leningrad, October 26-28, 1982, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1984), pages 221-222, V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, and V.I. Potapkin
"Development of Technique and Measurement System for Studying Lightning Peak Current Distributions" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the Expanded Meeting of the 4th Section of the USSR Academy of Sciences Scientific Council, Baku, October 18-20, 1983, Elm, Baku (1984), pages 68-72, V.A. Rakov, A.A. Dulzon, and V.I. Potapkin.
"On Determination of Lightning Peak Current Distribution for the Permafrost Areas" (in Russian), in Proceedings of the Expanded Meeting of the 4th Section of the USSR Academy of Sciences Scientific Council, Norilsk, November 23-26, 1982, published by Norilsk Industrial Institute, Norilsk (1982), pages 156-159, V.A. Rakov, V.I. Potapkin, and A.A. Dulzon.
1-14. List of 14 more non-reviewed
in Russian dated 1978- 1989 is available upon request. The significant
information from these has been published in the reviewed literature.
Lightning Parameters for Engineering Applications, CIGRE WG C4.407 Technical Brochure
549, V.A. Rakov, Convenor (US), A. Borghetti, Secretary (IT), C. Bouquegneau (BE), W.A. Chisholm (CA), V. Cooray (SE), K. Cummins (US), G. Diendorfer (AT), F. Heidler (DE), A. Hussein (CA), M. Ishii (JP), C.A. Nucci (IT), A. Piantini (BR), O. Pinto, Jr. (BR), X. Qie (CN), F. Rachidi (CH), M.M.F. Saba (BR), T. Shindo (JP), W. Schulz (AT), R. Thottappillil (SE), S. Visacro (BR), W. Zischank (DE), 117 p., August 2013.
Update Direct-Strike Lightning Environment for Stockpile-to-Target Sequence (Second Revision), Final Report to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Florida, LLNL-SR-458333, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J.O. Elisme, D.M. Jordan, C.J. Biagi, J.D. Hill, 72 p., September 2010.
Lightning Protection Standards for Aircraft: The Characterization of Positive Lightning, Final Report to FAA, University of Florida, M. A. Uman, C. J. Biagi, and V. A. Rakov, 30 p., 2009.
Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Parameters Derived from Lightning Location Systems: The Effects of System Performance, CIGRE Working Group C4.404, ISBN: 978-2-85873-063-6, G. Diendorfer, M. Bernardi, K. Cummins. F. de la Rosa, B. Hermoso, A. Hussein, T. Kawamura, F. Rachidi, V. Rakov, W. Schulz, and H. Torres, 117 p., 2009.
CIGRE TF 33.01.02, Report 172, Characterization of lightning for applications in electric power systems, F. de la Rosa, L. Dellera, G. Diendorfer, A. Galvan, J. Huse, V. Larsen, C.A. Nucci, F. Rachidi, V. Rakov, H. Torres, and M.A. Uman, 35 p., December 2000.
CIGRE TF 33.01.02, Report 94, Lightning characteristics relevant for electrical engineering: Assesment of sensing, recording and mapping requirements in the light of present technological advancements, F. de la Rosa, W. Chisholm, A. Galvan, F. Heidler, and V. Rakov, 37 p., 1995.
Update Direct-Strike Lightning Environment for Stockpile-to-Target Sequence, Final Report to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of Florida, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J.O. Elisme, D.M. Jordan, C.J. Biagi, and J.D. Hill, 58 p., 2008.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Statement of Work #98497, Rocket Triggered Lightning Experiment, University of Florida, Final Report, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Howard, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and D.M. Jordan, 72 p., 2006.
Triggered Lightning Testing of the Performance of Grounding Systems in Florida Sandy Soil, Final Report. B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and D.M. Jordan, 169 p., 2006.
Engineering Analysis of Airfield Lighting System Lightning Protection, Final Report, V.A. Rakov and M.A. Uman, 72 p. with Appendices, 2006.
Estimation of the Effectiveness of the Space Shuttle Launch Pad Lightning Protection System, Contribution to NESC Report on the Lightning TEM (KSC, June 21-22, 2005), V.A. Rakov, 14 p.
Triggered Lightning Testing of the Performance of Grounding Systems in Florida Sandy Soil, Report on 2004 Results. B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, G.H. Schnetzer, J. Schoene, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, V. Kodali, and D.M. Jordan, 62 p., 2005.
UF/FPL Study of the Interaction of Triggered Lightning with FPL Distribution Lines, Phase VI Report. J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, J.E. Jerauld, G. Schnetzer, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and V.A. Rakov, University of Florida, 32 p., 2005.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Statement of Work #98497, Rocket Triggered Lightning Experiment, University of Florida, Technical Report, B.A. DeCarlo, J. Jerauld, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, and G.H. Schnetzer, 39 p., 2005.
UF/FPL Study of the Interaction of Triggered Lightning with FPL Distribution Lines, Phase V Report. J. Schoene, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, V.A. Rakov, G. Schnetzer, J.E. Jerauld, M. Stapleton, A.G. Mata, and C.T. Mata, University of Florida, 65 p. with illustrations, 2004.
UF/FPL Study of Triggered Lightning Strikes to FPL Distribution
Lines. Phase IV Report. A.G. Mata, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman,
J.D. Schoene, K.J. Rambo, D.M. Jordan, and J.E. Jerauld, Final Report,
University of Florida, 258 p., December 2002.
Lightning Protection Standards for
M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, J. Schoene, K.J. Rambo, J. Jerauld, , V. Kodali,
G.H. Schnetzer, Report on U.S. DOT (FAA) Grant 99-G-043, 2002.
Multiple-Station Network for Measuring Close Lightning Electric and
Fields: Instrumentation and Initial Results (Triggered Lightning Test
M.A. Uman, G.H. Schnetzer, K.J. Rambo, J.E. Jerauld, and V.A. Rakov,
Report, University of Florida, 2001.
Triggered Lightning Testing of a Section of Florida Gas
Transmission Pipeline and Pipeline Connectors, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo,
J. Jerauld, M. Stapleton,
and V.A. Rakov, Final Report, University of Florida, 10 p., 2001.
UF/FPL Study of Triggered Lightning Strikes to FPL Distribution
2001 Experiments, A.G. Mata, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapleton,
M.A. Uman, Phase III Report, University of Florida, 25 p., December
UF/FPL Study of Triggered Lightning Strikes to FPL Distribution
2000 Experiments, C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, K.J. Rambo, and M.A. Uman,
Report, University of Florida, 321 p., December 2000.
1998 Joint Sandia / Los Alamos /University of
Florida Triggered Lightning Test Program: Temporary Lightning
Protection System, Derivatives of Electric Fields from Nearby
and Direct Strikes to PBX-9501 High Explosives, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J.
G.A. Buntain, K.J. Rambo, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, and D.E. Crawford,
University of Florida, June 1999.
Overvoltages in Underground Systems, Phase 2 Results, C.T. Mata,
M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, M. Bejleri, K.J. Rambo, and M.V.
Stapleton, TR-109669-R1, Final Report for Electric Power Research
Institute ( EPRI ), December, 1998.
Investigation of Ligtning Entry into a Secondary Service, Using
Rocket Triggered Lightning, C.T. Mata, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, M.A.
Uman, K.J.
Rambo, and M.V. Stapleton, TR-110418, Report for Electric Power
Institute ( EPRI ), April, 1998.
1997 Joint Sandia / Los Alamos /University of
Florida Triggered Lightning Test Program: Ground Surface
Arc Currents, Temporary Lightning Protection System, Lightning Leader
Direct Strikes to High Explosives, and Electric Fields from First
of Natural Nearby Lightning, G.H. Schnetzer, R.J. Fisher, G.A. Buntain,
Crawford, K.J. Rambo, M.A. Uman, V.A. Rakov, University of Florida,
Improved Lightning Arrester Protection Results, Final Results, M.I.
C.T. Mata, V.A. Rakov, M.A. Uman, K.J. Rambo, M.V. Stapelton, and M.
TR-109670-R1, Final Report for Electric Power Research Institute ( EPRI ), December, 1998.
Testing of Lightning Arresters and Improved Lightning Protection,
Results, M.I. Fernandez, V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman, TR-109670, Interim
for Electric Power Research Institute (
EPRI ), December, 1997.
Overvoltages in Underground Systems, Phase 1 Results, M.I.
V.A. Rakov, and M.A. Uman, TR-109669, Interim Report for Electric Power
Research Institute ( EPRI ),
December, 1997.
Connection to Ground of a Downward Negative Flash - Observations,
P. Lalande, A. Bonamy, A. Eybert-Berard, V. Rakov, and M. Uman,
HM-25/97/018, Report for Electricite de France ( EDF ), April 1997.
1 - 15. One Tomsk
Polytechnic and 14 High Voltage Research
Institute Reports Dated 1978-1991 (all in Russian). The significant
information from
these has been published in the reviewed literature.
Shuji Fujimaru, 2013, Optimization of Beam Painting for ELF/VLF Wave Generation at HAARP Using Time-of-Arrival Analysis, Ph.D. (UF, Member)
Nikoloz Skhirtladze, Searching for Supersymmetry signature in Same-sign Dilepton Events at CMS at the Large Hadron Collider, Ph.D. (UF Department of Physics, Member)
Matthew I. Fisher, Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson in the Channel Z + H -> μμ + b¯, Ph.D. (UF Department of Physics, Member)
Bharat Kunduri, 2010, Modeling ELF Radio Atmospheric Propagation - Generated by Rocket Triggered Lightning, Masters (UF, Member)
Wei Feng, Charge Transport Analysis in Lightning, Ph.D. (UF Department of Math, Member)
Shreeharsh Mallick, Observations of natural and rocket-triggered lightning at three research stations in Florida and with large-scale locating networks, Ph.D. (UF, Chair)
Cindy Zhang, Ph.D. (UF, Member)
Dustin Hill, 2012, The mechanisms of lightning leader propagation and ground attachment, Ph.D. (UF, Co-Chair)
Chris Biagi, 2011, Observations and Modeling of Processes in Artificially Initiated (Triggered) Lightning, Ph.D. (UF, Co-Chair)
Amitabh Nag, 2010, Characterization and Modeling of Lightning Processes with Emphasis on Compact Intracloud Discharges, Ph.D. (UF, Chair)
Joseph S. Howard, 2009, Lightning Propagation and Ground Attachment Processes from Multiple-Station Electric Field and X-Ray Measurements, Ph.D. (UF, Co-Chair)
Denis Flache, 2008, Analysis of Lightning Current Waveforms and Corresponding Video Records with Emphasis on Leader/Return Stroke Mode Versus M-Component Mode of Charge Transfer to Ground, Masters (Univ. of Federal Armed Forces, Munich, Germany, Co-Chair)
Alan Passman, 2007, Masters (UF, Chair)
Santanu Mishra, 2006, Hysteretic Modulation for Point of Load Application, Ph.D. (UF, Member)
Khristian Kotov, 2010, A Comprehensive Study of Perturbative and Non-Perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics in Measurements of the Underlying Event and the Transverse Momentum of the Z Boson with the CMS Detector at the LHC, Ph.D. (UF Department of Physics, Member)
Jayanth Ramamurthy, Distributed-Circuit Models of the Lightning Return Stroke, Masters (UF, Chair)
Sandip Kiron Nallani Chakravartula, 2008, Characterization of lightning using optical techniques, Masters (UF, Chair)
Amitabh Nag, 2007, Microsecond- and Submicrosecond-Scale Electric Field Pulses Produced by Lightning Discharges, Masters (UF, Chair)
Arkadiy Lyakh, 2007, High Power Bipolar and Unipolar Quantum Cascade Lasers, Ph.D. (UF, Member)
Yuriy A. Pakhotin, Discovery Potential of Supersymmetry Using the Same-Sign Di-muon Signature with the CMS Detector, Ph.D. (UF Department of Physics, Member)
Theron Colbert, Testing of the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building, Major Project (UF, Chair)
Sergo Jandariani, 2007, Measurement of Two-Particle Momentum Correlation in Jets, Ph.D. (UF Department of Physics, Member)
Ashwin Jhavar, 2005, Triggered-Lightning Properties Inferred from Measured Currents and Very Close Magnetic Fields, Masters (UF, Chair)
Venkateswararao Kodali, Ph.D. (UF, Chair)
Robert Olsen, 2008, Optical Properties of Lightning Discharges, Ph.D. (UF, Chair)
Brian DeCarlo, 2006, Triggered-lightning testing of the performance of grounding systems in Florida sandy soil, Masters (UF, Chair)
Beyza Caliskan Aslan, 2007, A Continuous Approach to the Lightning Discharge, Ph.D. (UF Department of Mathematics, Member)
Vinod Jayakumar, 2004, Estimating Power, Energy, and Action Integral in Rocket-Triggered Lightning, Masters (UF, Chair)
Jason Jerauld, 2007, Properties of Natural Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Inferred from Multiple-Station Measurements of Close Electric and Magnetic Fields and Field Derivatives, Ph.D. (UF, Co-Chair)
Yuhu Zhai, 2003, Model-Order Reduction for Efficient Simulation of Nonlinear Electro-Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problems, Ph.D (UF, Member)
Jen Schoene, 2007, Direct- and nearby-strike interactions of rocket-triggered lightning with unenergized power distribution lines, Ph.D (UF, Co-Chair)
Baqar Tabrez, Masters (UF, Chair)
Robert Olsen, 2003, Optical Characterization of Rocket-Triggered Lightning at Camp Blanding, Florida, Masters (UF, Chair)
Shu-Jen Huang, 2005, Multistate Discretization of the Electric Field Equations, Ph.D. (UF Department of Mathematics, Member)
Venkateswararao Kodali, 2003, Characterization and Analysis of Close Lightning Electromagnetic Fields, Masters (UF, Chair)
Angel Mata, 2003, Interaction of Lightning with Power Distribution Lines: 2001 and 2002 Experiments at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing (ICLRT), Masters (UF, Chair)
Jason Jerauld, 2003, A Multiple-Station Experiment to Examine the Close Electromagnetic Environment of Natural and Triggered Lightning, Masters (UF, Co-Chair)
Mohammed S. Alam, 2001, Fabrication and Characterization of Multiple Flexible Magnetic Windings, Masters (UF, Member)
Jens Schoene, 2002, Analysis of Parameters of Rocket-Triggered Lightning Measured During the1999 and 2000 Camp Blanding Experiment and Modeling of Electric and Magnetic Field Derivatives Using the Transmission Line Model, Masters (UF, Co-Chair)
P. Nakmahachalasint, 2002, Static and Dynamic Hysteresis Modeling of Power Ferrites at Temperature Limits for Power Electronics Applications, Ph.D. (UF, Member)
Rafael Kolic, 2000, Design and Analysis of AC/AC Converter and Controller Using DSP for Load Matching Variable Speed Permanent Magnet Generator Set, Masters (UF, Member).
Rafael Sutil, 2001, EMTP Modeling of Direct Lightning Strikes to the Lightning Protective System of a Residential Building, Masters (UF, Chair).
Carlos Mata, 2000, Interaction of Lightning with Power Distribution Lines, Ph.D. (UF, Chair).
Wanpeng Cao, Ph.D. (UF, Member).
David E. Crawford, Ph.D. (UF, Chair).
Sanjeev Thottapilly, MS (UF, Member).
Jun Chen, 2000, High-Order Linearizing Pulsewidth Modulator for Three-Phase Power Converters, Ph.D. (UF, Member).
Mirela Bejleri, 1999, Triggered-Lightning Testing of an Airport Runway Lighting System, Masters (UF, Chair).
Stephen M. Davis, 1999, Properties of Lightning Discharges from Multiple-Station Wideband Electric Field Measurements, Ph.D. (UF, Member).
David E. Crawford, 1998, Multiple-Station Measurements of Triggered Lightning Electric and Magnetic Fields, Masters (UF, Chair).
Srinivas Shailendra, 1998, Frequency Domain Modeling of Multi-Winding Magnetics Based on the Extended Cantilever Model, MS (UF, Member).
Guoxin Li, 1998, Low Frequency Conductance Voltage (LFGV) Characterization of Si/GexSi1-x/Si Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors, Ph.D. (UF, Member).
Mark I. Fernandez, 1997, Responses of an Unenergized Test Power Distribution System to Direct and Nearby Lightning Strikes, Masters (UF, Chair).
Raisa Esipenko, Ph.D. (Tomsk Polytechnic)
Dmitry Shelukhin, Statistical Characteristics of Lightning Discharges from Remote Field Measurements, Ph.D. (Tomsk Polytechnic).
Dariusz Czarkowski, 1996, Measurements and Analysis of Electrical Inputs to Adjustable Speed Motors and Their Power Electronic Converters, Ph.D. (UF, Member).
Joseph A. Bach, 1996, Instrumentation for Measuring Electric and Magnetic Fields at Different Distances from Lightning Discharge, Masters (UF, Chair).
Akram A. Abu-Aisheh, 1995, Performance of a Squirrel Cage Induction, Brushless DC, and Switched Reluctance Motors and Their Adjustable Speed Drives at Different Loading/Speed Combinations, Masters (UF, Member).
Yong Su, 1995, Testing of the Engineering Model of the Galileo Lightning and Radio Emission Detector, Masters (UF, Chair).
Asif Gilani, 1994, Polyphase and Single Phase Revenue Meter Accuracy Under Controlled Unbalanced Non-Sinusoidal Voltage and Current Condition, Masters (UF, Member)
Wesley "Ried" Crowe, 1994, Developing "Ground Truth" Instrumentation for Testing of the Galileo Lightning and Radio Emission Detector on Earth Lightning, High Honors (UF).
Mehrdad Tartibi, 1994, Design Procedure, Calculation and Analysis of AC-Exciter of a Brushless Exciter, Masters (UF, Member).
Joseph A. Versaggi, 1994, The Measurement of Near and Distant Lightning Electromagnetic Fields, Masters (UF).
Kurosu Risa Altaf, 1993, A Comparison of Microsecond-Scale Electric Field Pulses in Cloud and Ground Flashes, High Honors (UF).
Yuri Villanueva, 1992, Microsecond-Scale Electric Field Pulses in Cloud Lightning Flashes, Masters (UF).
Rajeev Thottappillil, 1992, A Study of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Processes with Emphasis on Data Analysis and Modeling of the Return Stroke, Ph.D. (UF).
Douglas M. Jordan, 1990, Relative Light Intensity and Electric Field Intensity of Cloud to Ground Lightning, Ph.D. (UF).
Rajeev Thottappillil, 1989, Electric Field Changes due to K Processes and M Components in Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Flashes, Masters (UF).
Yury Shoivanov, 1989, Development of Technique and Equipment for Studying Ground Flash Density, Ph.D. (Tomsk Polytechnic).
1 - 15. Fifteen Masters Theses (Power Systems and Lightning areas) at Tomsk Polytechnic, 1978-1988.